Many owners of summer cottages are looking forward to the cold weather. Another would be: the entire crop is harvested and processed into a variety of fun for the stomach type of pickles and preserves, the site is ready and waiting for their owners in the spring. It would seem that it's time to forget about the troubles in the land and indulge in relaxation! Have to disappoint you: depart entirely from suburban affairs in the winter months, you will not succeed. The plot still needs attention. Of course, it is not as overwhelming as the spring and summer, but without some "winter" procedures can remain without a harvest in the new year.
So, what actions should be carried out in the winter dacha? Remember and apply in practice.
1. We get fertilizer
The first month of winter - the best time to act to get to the spring top dressing fertilizer for cucumber. It's enough to put in a special pit remaining dry leaves of weeds and garden plants from your site. Do not forget the "roof" of the pits in the form of a film of polyethylene.
2. Insulate plant roots
If the winter with little snow, before the frosts, plant roots need to insulate. Suitable for this material at hand: the remains of leaves, wood chips, straw, soil, peat and even foam. If you can, you can podgresti snow from the site and other places to cover their root system of plants. Thermally insulated layer (regardless of the material you use) should be at least 10 cm Take note that the glass wool used for these purposes can not be, and young seedlings should be most carefully insulated.
3. We are engaged in snegovaniem trees
In simple words, it is podokuchivanie snow to prevent damage to the roots so vulnerable right now, part of the trunk and lower branches of the trees. The best tool for this is a wooden shovel. If there is a frost below -25 degrees to hill snow is not only the roots of the trees, but also part of the barrel, just by conducting this procedure, do not take the snow out from under the crown - that is, cut away the roots.
4. Shake off the snow from the branches of plants
It is a necessary process that helps to maintain the fragile branches of the trees in integrity. Otherwise, under the weight of snow branches can simply break. It is best to shake off the snow during winter thaws with poles, rakes, brooms, or gently shake off branches with his hands.
5. Taking care of your lawn
Improper care during the winter months can lead to unsightly dark spots on the lawn in the spring. So be careful when cleaning the track: do not dump snow on the lawn. Also it is better not to walk on the green carpet, not covered with snow, and allowed to form a crust. In the latter case, perfectly cope types of urea fertilizer.
6. Sheltering from the cold perennial flowers
Flowers to please you all next year, you need to frost protect them with special covering materials. For warming of flowering plants in hanging pots can take a pack of fiber. Still, the best solution would be their "move" in the automobile room or porch for the winter "hibernation".
7. Protecting trees from rodents
If you have found that mice and other rodents encroach on your garden can help trampling of snow at the base of trunks. Do not forget about this procedure after each new snowfall. An alternative to this method - a special film entwining around the trunk of the tree. But do not use arsenic in any case - because you do not want next year to be treated with the fruits with chemicals?
8. We are engaged in cutting and transplanting of large plants
Colder months - the most fertile time for such procedures due to deep winter "sleep" of plants. They are much easier to tolerate these activities during this period. Note for the future: copies of more than 5 meters in height always being moved to a new location only in winter.
9. Feeding the birds
This is not a waste of time, as a kind of investment in the future! Provided you winter "dinners" in the bird 'dining room' will be compensated in the summer months. How? Very simple: birds will know your cottage and in gratitude to the warm season will destroy a significant proportion of parasites on your country site!
A complex of measures for winter dacha not take a lot of time and effort, but will prevent many problems. A free long dark evenings can think of a lot of projects, as well as what to decorate your favorite summer residence, inspired ideas and gain new knowledge and, of course, repair tools, if they so require. With the start of the new gardening season, alas, it's time to not be missed.