Monday, 25 November 2013

Easy, yet secure

Easy, yet secureEffective action for nosebleeds by the composition of a glass of cold water to which a quarter of a lemon squeezed juice or a solution of a teaspoon of vinegar (not essence), or a third of a teaspoon of alum. The resulting liquid should be drawn into the nose and hold for three to five minutes, holding the nostrils with your fingers. Then you should sit or stand quietly, but do not lie down. On the forehead and nose should be put on a wet cold towel or ice.

Reliable means of stopping bleeding from the nose is considered such an exercise. If the blood is coming from the right nostril, it is necessary to lift up his right arm above his head, and hold down the left nostril, and vice versa.

The people and often use this method: put the iron key on the woolen thread and hang it so that it was on the back between the shoulder blades. Blood stops.

Effective with nosebleeds and yarrow. Rub fresh leaves of the plant to become wet, and paste in the nose. You can squeeze the juice of yarrow and drip it into the nose. It functions even better.