1. When a sore throat. One teaspoon of salt in a glass of water will help clear your throat and oral cavity from the accumulation of mucus and pathogenic bacteria, but under one condition - the need to gargle at least once an hour.
2. At a cold. Nasal sprays quickly to cope with the "paste up" nose, but with prolonged use, they dry mucous membranes. The most gentle and effective option - washing or nasal irrigation with salt water. Such procedures have antibacterial and moisturizing effect on the nasal mucosa.
3. At the "bags" under the eyes. One teaspoon in a glass of water - that is a simple but effective solution, which is necessary to moisten cotton pads and put on the eyelids for 10 minutes.
4. With food poisoning. Clean the stomach and get rid of the contents in the event of poisoning will saline. Getting inside, it irritates the lining of the stomach, causing vomiting.
5. When bleeding gums. Saline rinses are also effective in strengthening the gums. It heals wounds, prevent putrefaction and, as a result, the breath becomes fresher.