However, often we do not think that interior design can be the cause of the depressed state of disorders in the family, and even failure in their sexual lives. So before you buy a new bed linen or start a repair, use a few tips.
Too sexy excitable and prone to change people need to have in the bedroom at least 2 elements of light green color.
Women who dream of a child, it should be curtained window light blue curtain and attach to it a red bow.
Shamefaced and fearful erotic experiments partners need to lay linens emerald color. This color excites the imagination and gives courage.
For manual workers, will approach the green in the bedroom, and for the people engaged in intellectual work, you need to choose a linen blue.
In the bedroom of people who are overweight, there should be an element of orange color, it awakens the appetite and even more difficult to resist the sandwiches after a stormy time spent.
Light golden color will help partners lose the emotional connection, to establish a relationship.
Purple curtains, coupled with a purple carpet will give strength tired partner, and a lamp with a red shade can help tune in to a love twist.
Brown accelerates the aging process, so it is best avoided in the design of the bedroom.
The couple with a small co-bedroom sexual experience can be colored. But the bedroom of people who have lived in marriage for many years, should be two-, three-color high.
Partners who are bored with the usual routine affection, should arrange a bedroom purple, and then their proximity will be more inspired.
Prone to frequent quarrels partners are best avoided in the bedroom light yellow, orange and bright red in color and give preference linens and interior details in dark blue or dark yellow.
Bedroom white with lots of green elements and vibrant colors should arrange to spouses who can not "get used" to each other.
And the main advice to women - linen soft pink color will make you younger and more attractive visually, that will not go unnoticed by your partner.