Monday, 25 November 2013

How to get rid of bad breath?

How to get rid of bad breath?Bad breath in some way pursuing most of us. That's for sure, happy is the man who has not faced this problem. It would seem that such a little, but can damage both career and personal life. Visits to the dentist does not always help to get rid of halitosis. Just causes in this trouble, usually a few.

One of the reasons - inept oral care. Like brush our teeth every day, well, or not all, as it turns out, but beyond that it usually is not. Tooth brush, of course, is fine, but it can not completely clear the mouth. Microbes and bacteria remain in the language between the teeth, the gums. They are eating protein food, excrete waste in the form of sulfur compounds - hydrogen sulfide, etc. Well, who does not remember from school as "fragrant" hydrogen sulfide in chemistry classes? Add to that periodontal disease, and to communicate with the person possessing such a fragrant bouquet, it is simply impossible.

Another reason putrid odor - problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Food, casually chewed, interspersed Eaten (cutlets with some bread and cake for dessert, and then another beer ...), too, eventually will have an effect. The intestine has the ability to collect fecal stones formed as a direct result of this power, they will in turn slow down the progress of waste to the exit, fermentation begins, rotting smells. The fact that the bowel is like away from your mouth, does not interfere with their close relationship. Do not believe me - read the professional literature.

So, given all this, still try to get rid of bad breath. After cleaning the teeth rinse your mouth thoroughly. Use special thread for cleaning between the teeth. Be sure to brush your tongue, for that use or a special brush or spoon. Clean your finger, wrapped with gauze, however, is also nice. By removing plaque from the language, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Use also rinse with vegetable oil, desirable home. This recipe came from Tibet, and there is not bad advise. Vegetable oil pulls all the filth from your mucous membrane, in addition, a rinse, oddly enough, purifies the blood, it is connected again with the ability to absorb oil. 15 minutes, rinse and spit out, make sure your mouth is rinsed with water, swallow oil is strictly prohibited. I am considering smoking and chronic tonsillitis, noticed the effect after 3 treatments. Rinse the recommended 2 times a day, and in any case, do not swallow "waste" oil, spit and rinse your mouth. Swallowing, according to the books, is fraught with severe poisoning. Did not check, and others think it is not worth it.

Another effective recipe, field-proven, mouthwash and throat hydrogen peroxide. Take a 3-percent solution of peroxide and a 1:1 dilute some water. Then this mouth rinse, preferably a few minutes. If you suffer from periodontal disease, peroxide will be a little pinch and foaming, but believe me, it's worth it after a few weeks of use and the smell disappears, and periodontal disease. If this bit sore throat, gargle with diluted peroxide to help cope with it.

You can rinse your mouth with peppermint, caraway, Wormwood. Herbs pour boiling water (1-2 tablespoons herb per cup of boiling water) and drink 4-6 times a day. You can rinse and more. More people in the know recommend eating as many apples. And clean the mouth and intestines, and his condition also affects the freshness of breath. And of course, if you have tooth decay, do not neglect the help of specialists, and your breathing becomes pure as a child's.