Served with grilled horseradish and smoked meat, goes well with fish dishes, it is added to mayonnaise, cottage cheese, yogurt, sauerkraut, cucumbers and other vegetables.
Seasonings horseradish stimulate appetite, promote good digestion.
Recipes for a lot of shit. But before you start the process itself, it would be nice to listen to the advice of experienced chefs. So that during the preparation of horseradish not irritate the eyes, can be for some time to put roots in the freezer and then grate frozen.
To grated horseradish is not darkened, it is recommended to sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar and mix well.
Horseradish is not necessarily the grate. Peeled roots can be cut into small pieces, mince.
Spine horseradish weighing approximately 200 g clean, rinse with cold water, grate and place in a glass or china bowl, pour in a tablespoon of vinegar 6 percent, add two teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. The resulting mass mix well and let stand for two or three hours in a sealed cover.
Cup finely grated horseradish pour this amount of boiling water to cover the contents of it, add two apples peeled and grated on a coarse grater, a teaspoon of sugar, four to six tablespoons of sour milk, four tablespoons of vinegar, salt to taste and mix well. This seasoning is desirable to feed the cold meat.
HORSERADISH with beets
Four or five of horseradish roots clean, grate or mince, add the chopped raw red beets, a little boiling water, season with a mixture of salt, sugar, vinegar and mix well. Under the lid tightly closed seasoning kept for at least five to six hours. By the way, the longer it will stay, the more vigorous will.
A glass of grated horseradish mixed with three cups of mashed potatoes, add a little hot water, vinegar and salt to taste. Seasoning can be served as a side dish. It is well suited to the cold pork, smoked.
400 g of finely chopped boiled until cooked mushrooms mixed with four tablespoons of grated horseradish and a glass of sour cream, add salt to taste and sugar. This nutritious and flavorful weight can be used for sandwiches.