Thursday, 19 December 2013


7 REASONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF TEAA cup of hot tea on a cold day - what we need. But tea is not only warms and helps with colds. He has many other useful features. How useful this fragrant drink, when and how to drink it, and who better to refrain from drinking tea.

1. Tea protects against diseases

Tea, as already mentioned, not only helps with colds. This drink is rich in antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals in the body. Thus, antioxidants prevent aging of the body, help to cope with infectious diseases, and prevent cancer.

Antioxidants are found in all kinds of tea, whether black, green, white, red, etc. But keep in mind: if you add lemon tea, the drink loses its antioxidant properties. On the other hand gets an extra dose of vitamin C (the vitamin is not only in lemon, but also in tea). Thanks to this drink boosts immunity and protects us from viruses and bacteria.

2. Tea invigorates and tones

The caffeine in tea, good tones and invigorates. By the way, any tea - whether it's black, green, red, white, etc. - Contains the same amount of caffeine. Therefore, to "come to life" will not only black tea (as we used to think).

However, if you are severely overworked and your state is already close to the disease, the tea will not help: can the paradoxical reaction vessels - they do not constrict and dilate, and instead, to cheer up, you will fall asleep.

Does not help people with tea and pressurized - in this case a drink cause headache.

3. Tea normalizes blood pressure

Tea, like coffee increases blood pressure. This is facilitated by the caffeine in tea. Therefore, people with low blood pressure normalizes drink it. Conversely, people with high blood pressure tea should be used with caution. A better and exclude from the diet.

Instead, it is better to drink mate tea and rooibos. In these drinks no caffeine, but at the same time they are also good tone the blood vessels of the brain. Also in the material and antioxidants Rooibos more than other kinds of tea.

4. Tea strengthens blood vessels

Due to the content of vitamin P tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them flexible.

Furthermore, vitamin E increases the effect of vitamin C (which also contained in tea) and helps the absorption of the vitamin.

5. Tea relieves headaches and relieves stress

Tea is due to the content of caffeine helps quench headache and relieve stress. But only if you drink it in the morning. 13.00 After drinking tea is not recommended - again because of the caffeine, which can have a negative impact on sleep mode and cause insomnia.

Five o'clock tea at the British - the custom of drinking tea at five in the evening - because people are drinking Albion slabozavarenny tea, which, in addition, highly diluted milk. More precisely, does not drink tea with milk, and milk with tea.

Milk irritable action reduces tea reduces tannins and protects the gastric mucosa.

6. Tea drinking light trains

During the tea party (unless, of course, it's not tea, drunk in the morning in a hurry on the threshold of the house) we relax and begin to breathe deeply and exhale. Thus train our lungs. Also in this case the brain more oxygen and improving blood circulation, writes gloss.

Incidentally, hot milk or herbal tea will have the same effect.

7. Tea helps to get rid of extra pounds

Green tea and pu-erh tea help to lose weight. Green tea is rich in catechins, which contribute to the breakdown of fat. Therefore, wishing to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, if there are no contraindications to the use of tea, you can try a tea diet.

Puer tea - strong tonic tea, which speeds up the metabolism. Weight will be reduced correspondingly.