Experienced gardeners are beginning to prepare for the upcoming season fruit storage since the spring, and then in the autumn of the previous year. But we are more interested in the moment, you can do it in August to their harvest was kept almost to the new collection.
First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the trees get a balanced rations (fertilizers). Keep in mind that fruits are grown in conditions of excessive land application of nitrogen fertilizers only be kept very bad. With a lack of phosphorus dissolved in the flesh of apples during storage turns brown. Therefore, the trees are well prepared for the winter and did not deteriorate the quality of their fruit in August should make per square meter around-trunk range of 60-70 g nitrophosphate or 45-55 g of NPK. We must also not forget the fact that the best fruits stored under normal provision of soil calcium.
Given that, in acute shortage of calcium is necessary to spend at least two tree spraying calcium chloride (130 g per 10 liters of water) and do it for 35 and 20 days before the start of the harvest.
Trees with non-colored fruits can be treated and calcium nitrate (calcium nitrate - 100 g per 10 liters of water). This treatment is carried out in the morning or in the evening, consuming 6.5 liters of solution that the adult fruit-bearing tree.
Some gardeners spend vlagozaryadnye or simple glaze on the eve of the harvest, naively believing that they increase the juiciness, and that means - and keeping quality of the fruit. Everything is just the opposite.
Therefore vlagozaryadnye watering is carried out only after the harvest, and to support irrigation, unless, of course, this is not absolutely necessary, it should be on the eve of the harvest still abstain.
On the shelf life of fruits affected by the timing of their collection: it decreases as the case of premature collection, and when I'll be late with this case. The fruits are considered suitable for the collection, if they have acquired a characteristic color and the seeds are browned. Plucked the fruit should not be kept outdoors, they must be immediately cooled in the cellar or basement.
And one more thing - apples autumn varieties should be stored separately from the winter, because of the proximity of the winter varieties ripen quickly, and all your hard work on their cultivation will be reduced to almost zero.