To avoid such troubles, many gardeners sheltering tree trunks of trees insulating fabrics. Do it in the autumn, immediately after tillage in the garden. To that end, the tree trunks poured humus layer thickness of 8-10 cm can also use dried, pulverized peat, leaves, sawdust, and if the materials you have at hand is not, then you need to take from the earth (but not with a circle around-trunk) and pour her as a layer under the tree.
Such a thermally insulated cover to do so in the warm autumn days the lower part of the trunk was filled up to avoid podoprevaniya crust. It was only with the onset of frost resistant it is possible to cover as the whole tree trunks.
And yet there is nothing that protects the roots from freezing of the snow. Found that at a temperature of minus 30 degrees in the absence of snow cover at a depth of 3 cm soil temperature is about minus 20 degrees, and under the same conditions but with 20 cm of snow there will only be minus 14 degrees.
However, it should be borne in mind that the warming of the roots of these materials does not solve the problem completely, so the loss of even small amounts of snow to collect it for free aisles or lanes and sketching on tree trunks of trees.
But after a good snowfall to spud the snow not only tree trunks, but the bole. Naturally, this work does not have to perform in a single step, and the accumulation of snow in the garden.