Wednesday, 20 November 2013


TIME TO PREPARE FOR WINTER GARDENDespite the fact that many cottagers such a question may seem premature, experienced gardeners begin their preparation for the winter garden plants since the summer. After all, what kind of event on the site or gardener spent, it always has to think about how it will affect the hardiness of fruit trees and berry bushes.

First of all, to increase the resistance of plants to low temperatures is necessary to provide intensive farming practices increase in the first half of the summer and the timely completion of their growth - in the second half of the summer and autumn of aging and hardening of tissues. The young plants should be especially wary of tightening fall growth, while the fruit-bearing - excessive depletion of harvest.

Under normal moisture decreases defect bark of branches and trunk forks sunburn, while the stone is increased by the same frost fruit buds. When the dry late summer and autumn are very important watering. If the soil has dried to a greater depth, the freezing of trees threatens even in mild winter.

The content of the soil in the garden has a significant impact on the wintering fruit trees. So, if the garden is under the sod, when too dry perennial grasses, vaporizing the already scant moisture, reduce winter hardiness of fruit trees.

However, excessive moisture in the garden does not bode well.

In gardens with shallow ground water to the surface of the soil, as well as on the water-logged areas, winter hardiness is low because of the deterioration of general physiological condition of trees. Therefore, planting seedlings on mounds, ridges, trees in places with the use of mulching of tree trunks in winter will increase the hardiness of plants.

As is known, a great impact on the degree of hardiness fruit plants have fertilizer. With the full and balanced diet increased their resistance to frost.

Application of nitrogen fertilizer in the spring in temperate standards favors the growth process, the accumulation of nutrients, increased hardiness. At the same time, the application of nitrogen fertilizers in young orchards in late summer - early autumn negative impact on the hardiness of trees. At this time, require phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which contribute to the hardiness of fruit trees.

Adding to the late summer of organic fertilizers also does not bode well, as they have a lot of nitrogen, which reduces frost plants.

Important methods of influencing the overwintering plants are also shaping and pruning.

Thus, the strong rejuvenating pruning leads to a sharp decrease in cold hardiness of roots, trunk and scaffold branches.

But moderate pruning ensures normal growth of young shoots and timely completion of growth processes, has a positive effect on the frost fruit plants.

Serious risk of damage to the roots of winter when there is a late planting of trees. So with this case it is not necessary to tighten. Already in August, prepare the landing pit, refuel their organic and mineral fertilizers to the soil at the time of planting had time to settle, and there was not a spontaneous penetration root collar below the soil level.

It is best to plant trees autumn begins and ends in September, so that the roots have good opportunity to take root in a new place.