Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Dig around TREES

Dig around TREESOne of the major works in the garden in autumn is digging the soil, at the same time which, under the trees and making fertilizer - most of the rules, relying on the year. Do it in that order. Initially, on tree trunks laid compost, then scatter around the perimeter of mineral fertilizers, and then dug up the earth with them.

Digging up the soil in a circle on a bayonet spade, and closer to the trunk - only 10-12 cm shovel when digging should be placed along the roots, and not across to less damage them.

Some gardeners admit a serious mistake, leaving a large tree just dug a small island of the soil (up to a meter away from the trunk). Fertilizers applied in this circle, for a tree is practically useless. After all, most work sucking the plant roots are located much further, or to be precise, on the border of the crown projection.

Given this, it is necessary to make tree trunks wider. So, three-four-apples that the diameter is about 2.5 m, five-six years - 3 m, and 12-year-olds - up to 5 meters.