7-8 liters of water take 2-3 kg svezhegashenoy lime, 300-500 g of casein glue or 100 g cooked or heated on the eve of wood glue, 100 g of flour paste, or 2 liters of skimmed milk.
If you have to cook the old trees, the white washed before they are treated with this solution for the disinfection of iron sulphate (300-500 g per 10 liters of water).
From damage by mice and rabbits trunks and bases of skeletal branches of young fruit trees (12-15 years old) tied with cut stems of raspberry, sunflower stems, thick white paper or protect metal and other nets. You can use spruce branches of spruce and pine, but it is necessary to tie it down with needles. Bottom of the tree to a height of 15-20 spud see
When the temperature in the root zone of the soil tree trunks insulated manure, peat, sawdust, leaves or is frozen ice on tree trunks. If enough snow in the winter, it is necessary to try to prevent the soil under the canopy of each tree was covered with them.