Calyx height of 10-12 cm They rise above the foliage and are always looking up. After the rain water remains in these "glasses". Over time, in place of flowers formed pods with many winged seeds from which new trees and grow.
This plant is called bell-spatodeey. Spatodeya growing from seed (they are sown in the spring) is very fast, but the blooms only when the reach impressive sizes.
In our area spatodeyu grown in containers. In summer, they are placed in the warm and sunny place, abundantly watered and fed. High instances of tie to the supports, not to break the wind. In winter, the plant will wear in a well illuminated room where the temperature does not drop below 12 degrees.
In Azerbaijan and Iran is growing Temir-agach - ironwood. He has a very heavy wood, which is rapidly sinking in the water. Another interesting feature: the bark ironwood is very thin and easily broken, and the branches of nearby trees, touching each other, coalesce, forming impenetrable thickets. The plant is more than reliable as a hedge.
In Brazil, too, has a gimmick - cotton tree. It seems like a huge tub (up to 20m). During flowering branches that extend from the upper neck of an "tubs", covered with a variety of flowers. Soon after their formation location seeds. Each seed is provided "parashyutikom" of their fiber and fabric manufacture.
Milk Wood (galaktodendron) grows in Central and South America. It is low, with a shiny and thick leaves and inedible fruits. But the juice of this plant natives drink the milk. If this is the "milk" boil, then formed on the surface wax which makes candles and chewing gum.
"Tree of travelers" or "tree-well" grows in Madagascar. His real name Raven Madagascar.
In appearance it resembles a banana - only the leaves do not grow from the ground and from the top of the barrel. They disagree, like spokes of a wheel, and rolled tube. In the middle of the tube - clean, cool water that the plant receives from the soil.