Thursday, 16 January 2014

How to get rid from excessive sweating

How to get rid from excessive sweatingSince sweating is facing a lot of people. This problem is especially difficult for girls and women, who are more susceptible to it. Let's look at the causes of excessive sweating and how to get rid of it.

What is excessive sweating

Before you start to analyze this problem, you need to say a few words about the pot. Pot - is an aqueous solution of organic compounds and salts allocated sweat glands. Body secretes sweat for different purposes. For example, in the axillary region, where most often we experience problems with sweating, secrete sebum and sweat, which help us to easily move your hands, that is, this is a physiological sense, and everything happens for a reason.

It is worth noting that the sweat does not smell, it is only after some time, when living on the body and clothing of human bacteria begin to multiply in the environment and produce waste products. Therefore, after you sweating body malodor is not, it may occur after some time.

The causes of excessive sweating

The most frequent discomfort we experience from sweating in the underarm area. Severe underarm sweating is due to the fact that by the sweat gland is the nerve impulses that cause muscle contraction nerve emitting sweat out.

In medicine, called hyperhidrosis - hyperhidrosis. Many do not know, but excessive sweating is a disease and not a simple problem, and therefore, like any other illness, it has its reasons.

The main reason for sweating is too excitable nervous system. The catalyst in this situation may act overweight and obesity precisely. In addition, provoke a very strong sweating can various diseases: kidney, cardiovascular, neurosis etc. Excessive sweating can also be the result of external factors, stress, nervous experiences, high temperature and other things.

Signs of excessive perspiration

Identify excessive sweating can be on the following grounds:

• If your clothes are constantly emerging wet from sweat stains;
• If you're concerned about bad breath, which is accompanied by then;
• If you are concerned about this situation and unpleasant.

With these three reasons we can talk about what you have excessive sweating. In this case, you have to understand that sweating is a constant, not a temporary and seasonal phenomenon.

How to get rid of underarm sweating home

In the first place, to get rid of sweating you need at least 2 times a day to take a shower. Underarm to wash carefully with soap as soap: kills bacteria, which lead to an unpleasant smell, wash away sebum and sweat, removes odors and cleans this area.

Additionally, the underarm shaving absolutely necessary, since if the hair in this area is more intense perspiration. After showering, apply to the skin a special deodorant that will stop sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. Try to wear clothes made of natural fibers, so as not to hinder the evaporation of sweat.

How to get rid of very severe sweating

If excessive sweating in the underarms, to cope with the problem by using common household methods is almost impossible, because they either produce a weak effect, or it is not effective. For this it is necessary to make special medical procedures. This method is most effective as it helps to get rid of sweating for a period of six months to two years - depending on the individual person.

What is this method? In the human body, which suffers from too excessive sweating, Botulinum toxin injected drug that blocks the penetration of nerve impulses in the sweat glands, thereby avoiding the appearance of sweat in this part. Before entering the drug, the doctor must examine the patient and determine in what part of the underarm sweating occurs. In these places, and introduced the drug. These places are determined by working up the armpit lugol then applied on top of Lugol starch. Places where the intensity will be allocated sweat, covered with black. Typically, after this procedure, the effect of the average for the fifth day. It should be noted that the cost of such a procedure is very high and begins 15 thousand, but, nevertheless, the effect is guaranteed.