1. Be sure to wash your feet with antibacterial soap twice a day - morning and evening. Thoroughly dry them with a towel. Hygiene - the main condition to prevent athlete's foot. You can also wash the feet potassium permanganate. It also eliminates the unpleasant odor.
2. Use the special deodorant with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents. Instead, the drug can be used antiperspirants, talcum or baby powder. Also great remedies for athlete's foot - creams or gels with menthol and camphor.
3. Every day, change your socks, stockings and tights. All of these things need to be sure to clean. By the way, you should not wear synthetics, so buy only natural materials.
4. Carefully examine your shoes. With this problem, you should give preference to shoes, breathable. Do not forget to regularly clean and wash shoes both outside and inside. Replace the insoles at least once a month. Take off your shoes, put it in bags of fragrant juniper or cedar shavings or packaging with the zeolite.
5. Solve the problem of sweating to help special foot bath. Just prepare a special broth, add in a basin of water and allow the feet to rest in the water for 15-20 minutes. Enough for one bath 2 tbsp. spoons mixture 3 l of water. Here are a few good recipes with herbs.
• Pour 3 tablespoons of sage leaves in two cups of boiling water and leave to infuse until cool.
• Pour 3 tablespoons of dry oak bark in a container and dilute with three cups of boiling water. Steep the mixture for 2-3 minutes.
• 4 tablespoons of pounded leaves of horsetail pour 4 cups of boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes.
• To prepare the trays can also use flaxseed, tea leaves of strong black tea, sea salt, lemon peel, honey, rose leaves, St. John's wort, peppermint, lime, nettle and other herbs.
6. Sweating can be overcome by wiping the toes. For this purpose use vinegar solution (diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 5), 20% solution of aluminum chloride or boric acid powder. Simply apply these substances to the area between the toes and feet.
7. Another remedy for athlete's foot can be used at night. Put socks in milled into powder oak bark or leaves any herb and sleep in them. You can also rub into the feet of a few drops of lavender oil and put on clean cotton socks at night.
All these methods can be applied in combination and individually. Select a suitable option and proceed to treatment. If you do not help these tips, you should see a doctor because excessive sweating feet may indicate a serious infection.