Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Inhalation: resurrects SIMPLE METHOD OF TREATMENT

Inhalation: resurrects SIMPLE METHOD OF TREATMENTParents are different: someone kills the children of colds and viruses fangled sprays and pills, and someone treats a child proven "old-fashioned" way, causing the child hugging under a towel with the outgoing steam pan. Simple, inexpensive and efficient. But how do competently inhalation at home - this question very few people answer correctly ...

Inhalation - Inhalation of drugs for therapeutic purposes. Such a method of treatment useful for resorting the first signs of respiratory diseases (cold - rhinitis, inflammation of tonsils - tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis, bronchial inflammation - bronchitis and pulmonary - pneumonia), and for the prevention and elimination of bronchial asthma.

What is good inhalation?

First, in respiratory diseases is a blow to the virus, they say, "in the ten." If we accept this as the primary method of treatment, then you do not need to stuff a child of dozens of tablets, powders and influenza of all that, as a rule, gives a lot more side effects than inhalation.

Second, the drug dispersed in fine particles, are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and treat them with the greatest efficiency. Third, inhalation, as no other means to facilitate the removal of airway mucus and phlegm.

Now the contraindications. Inhalation of the child can not be done when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, with nosebleeds or inclination to them, with diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure.

We are treated properly

Inhalation spend no sooner than 1-1.5 hours after a meal, while respecting the basic rules:

• Do not force your child to breathe over boiling water, it is fraught with burns of mucous. The optimum water temperature for baby inhalation - 30-40 degrees.

• In diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses child should inhale and exhale drug without stress through the nose, diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs - through the mouth.

• Wear a child during the procedure should not hamper the neck and obstruct breathing. After inhalation for an hour is not recommended to talk, especially to sing and eat.

Choosing inhaler

For the treatment of lower respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi) best suited called nebulisers: ultrasonic nebulization and compressors that convert liquid to vapor.

Elektroaerozolnye inhalers heated not only moisture but negatively charged particles that improves their ability to penetrate into the bronchi. There inhalers intended for very young children. These included a special mask that allows you to carry out the procedure, not only sitting but also lying. Protsedury5 Duration 10 minutes.

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation - not such a harmless procedure, as it seems to many parents. Improperly conducted the procedure may bring additional health problems (burns, dry mucous membranes).

Ideally, the sequence of your actions have to be. The water temperature required to fill the kettle with a narrow neck. There also add selected products: a few drops of essential oils, herbal teas. A simple cardboard make a funnel: the younger the child is, the longer it - and put on the spout. Before you start inhaling the child, check the temperature of the steam itself. The duration of inhalation 3-5 min. Make them 1-2 times a day.

Therapeutic solutions

To better departed sputum, used soda inhalation (1 liter of water 4 teaspoons of baking soda) or steam-heated mineral water. Respiratory infections are effective almost all essential oils. They contain volatile (materials having disinfecting action). The most preferred oil of anise, pine, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, cinnamon. An important advantage of inhalations with essential oils: no child should be forced to breathe them. Almost always it is a pleasure for the baby. But to get involved with large doses of essential oils do not otherwise they cause the opposite effect, and dried mucosa, causing a feeling of sore throat.

When inflammation of the tonsils well help inhalation of an aqueous solution with the juice of onions, garlic. To make it necessary to get the mush with onions or garlic tool for crushing garlic. The resulting mush strain through cheesecloth. Onion or garlic juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part of juice, 10 parts water).

Useful inhalation steaming aromas of plants (freshly ground pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried leaves of eucalyptus, oak, birch, linden flower, chamomile, peppermint, lavender, sage, sage, black currant leaves. Their evaporation have disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. greatest effect is the use of a collection of plants. When cooking broth using a proportion: 250 ml of water 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials.

For infections of the upper respiratory tract can be brewed herb thyme, oregano, lavender, mother and stepmother, sage, chamomile. Good effect in these diseases has also sniffing boiled in "uniform" of potatoes or potato peels and oat hulls. Long term inhalation of 5-15 minutes.