In crumbly porridge grains should be completely swollen, well cooked and easily separable from each other. To porridge is not burnt, it should be cooked in a pan with a thick bottom.
Crumbly porridge is cooked in a small amount of water when all the liquid is absorbed by the grains, and lots of water (eg, rice). Before cooking grits screened sorted out and washed. Water is removed from the surface of the grains of starch and fat, stands out on the surface of the grains during storage.
Prepared cereals (except buckwheat) is poured into boiling salted water and cook at low boil until tender. Then throws in a colander and wash with hot water.
Porridge shift in a bowl and fill with melted fat or vegetable oil. Oils can not be sorry.
Terms preparation of liquid and viscous cereals
Viscous porridge prepared with milk, a mixture of milk with water or water. In the finished dish grains should be well-cooked, porridge kept on a plate heaped without blurring.
Some grains - such as rice, barley, millet, - bad boil soft in milk. Therefore the first few minutes of boil in water, then the water is drained and added to the hot milk dissolved therein salt and sugar. Serve viscous porridge watering melted butter or sprinkle with sugar.
Gruel cooked on milk, a mixture of milk and water (2:3) and water. When submitting sprinkled with butter, honey, jam. Gruel cooked as well as viscous, but with more liquid. Of liquid porridge can be cooked casseroles and puddings.