All plant residues (shredded twigs, weed weeds, fallen leaves) to shovel and put in a compost pile, sprinkling them with peat and flavoring chemical fertilizers. Rubbish left in the winter garden is impossible, as it serves as a breeding ground of many pests and diseases.
Around the middle of October, the second wave of growth of active roots of fruit trees. It is therefore highly desirable to fertilize the soil by digging with the turnover of the formation. Digging depth should be about 12-20 cm, and closer to the bole - 6-10 cm
Good results are obtained by fertilizing the wells or wells to a depth of 4-50 cm Do them on the periphery of the crown, one per square meter. In subsequent years, new wells are placed in the gaps between the excavated earlier. Approximate fertilizer application rates for fruiting garden will be as follows: 4-8 kg of organic matter (compost, humus), 50-60 g of simple superphosphate (20-30 or double) and 10-40 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m. m