Maxim Galkin less time is spent with his ladylove Alla Borisovnoj. It is not so often they can be seen in public together. Maxim does not live in the apartment Divas in Ôèëèïïîâñêîì Lane, six months ago, he moved into an apartment in New Cheryomushki parents.
In a recent interview Pugacheva spoke about their everyday relations with Galkin: "We live in the same way as ordinary people! We all simply, without pathos and glamor. We are absolutely thrilled. We live, as they say, in perfect harmony! - Alla told. - All my homework divide among themselves, I wash, and Maxim washing dishes ... One by one we go to the shops. Yes, we happen to quarrel. But without them? It can not always be all good! We have already eight years together! - Prima Donna recalled. - I can say, I go on record constancy. "
According to the "Express newspaper," row between Maxim and Alla happened because the singer invited the comedian to make the name "Maxim Galkin" on it. Galkin quite firmly refused Diva in the rights to the name. Then, according to a report from the inner circle of couples, Allah has put forward an ultimatum: "Either the right to make out or go away!" Galkin went and did the registration of the trademark "Maksim Galkin" on themselves.
While the comedian is engaged in the documents Diva completed a tour "From April to April." Final farewell solo and Alla Pugacheva was to be held in Poland. But at the last minute canceled a concert star, and the final was the performance of the singer in Bulgaria. Alla said goodbye to the audience and is now going to focus on television projects, his radio and theater scene.
"For the year Alla gave 37 concerts in 34 cities in 13 countries around the world - said the singer's biographer, who accompanied her on tour, in an interview with" Komsomolskaya Pravda ". - In total, during this time Alla Pugacheva has overcome the 62,000 kilometers. During the tour she sang 888 songs, spending a total of 57 hours at the scene. Concerts saw more than 200,000 spectators and tens of millions of viewers. "