All 24 fingers Kamani Hubbard functioning normally, and it is not disabled.
Children with extra fingers (in medicine, this phenomenon is called polidiktiliey) come to light regularly recognized by doctors. But the case when a child on the additional finger on each hand and foot, and all of them are functioning normally, is unique.
The baby was born three weeks ago, but at first the hospital staff did not notice that Kamani is somehow different from other children. According to his mother, after giving birth doctors simply told her baby weight, and noted that he was born healthy.
"Extra" fingers son said his father, Chris Hubbard. According to him, he himself was born into the world of non-functional extra finger, which he then removed.
While the parents have not decided whether to remove the extra toes Kamani. According to doctors, there is no need for this, and the fingers may come in handy one day.
"I understand that children usually tease each other, even over small things, but an extra finger on each hand - it's not a small thing - says pediatrician Michael Tris from the hospital where the boy was born. - But imagine how a pianist can be a 12-a fallen man. Imagine how it will be able to play flamenco guitar. "
Those skilled in the baseball field indicates that additional fingers are extremely useful in the sport. Thus, the supply team Florida Marlins Antonio Alfonseka nicknamed the "octopus" has on hand rudimentary "sixth finger" and is known for his trademark serve.