It is known that lack of vitamin each entail a violation of the work of individual agencies. How it manifests itself externally, we shall tell you. And tell you what products can help you in every case.
If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, it is quite possible that the body lacks carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, or vitamin D.
Fill up this deficiency is very simple. The ration enter more fresh fruits and vegetables - a source of vitamins C and A. plenty of B vitamins found in whole grains and bran - cook porridge made from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. Storehouse of nutrients is the sunflower and pumpkin seeds and nuts. In order to provide the body with vitamin D ultraviolet take a bath.
If you have by the end of the day is deteriorating vision, the eyes get tired and sore, then maybe it's a lack of carotene and vitamin B2. to enrich the diet with these vitamins eat carrots, spinach, lettuce, fish, liver, cheese, and eggs.
Did you know that if you have a tendency to digestive disorders and diarrhea, then perhaps it's just a lack of vitamin K or B2. Eat more soy products, liver, fish, lean meat, especially chicken or turkey bacon, nuts, eggs and cheese. These reasons may also cause constipation. Therefore, your diet on balance the vitamin B2, and it can help.
Another issue - the increased amount of cholesterol in the blood. It turns out that it can be caused by a lack of B vitamins in the diet Try brewer's yeast, and legumes.
Sometimes it happens that even a slight shock can cause bruising of the skin. This is a definite lack of ascorbic acid. A lot of vitamin C in the black currant, wild rose, sauerkraut, citrus.
It so happens that people like and washed regularly and uses a variety of perfumes and skin it still emits an odor. Perhaps the man in the diet is not enough foods containing vitamin B12, this brewer's yeast, red meat, organ meats, and eggs.
If you suffer from edema, and get up in the morning with bags under his eyes, but the kidneys are healthy, you may lack vitamin B6. Eat beans, lentils, whole grains, pork and fish. And about the yeast - everything is clear - it is a storehouse of vitamins of group B.
In osteoporosis and fragility of teeth is often not so much a lack of calcium, vitamin D as vitamin calcium without it just is not absorbed by the body. Therefore, in the case of problems with the bones and teeth, try a little more to happen on the street or take the irradiation with ultraviolet light.
Pay attention to how you cook the food. Indeed, in some ways making the products do not have almost anything useful.
Do not keep the fruits and vegetables in water for a long time. They lose vitamins, giving them water.
When cooking, place them in boiling water. Do not overcook vegetables. A better bake or cook for a couple - so the whole value remains inside.
Try to eat porridge made from whole-grain cereals. They contain more nutrients. And in polished rice is almost all there is nothing useful.
Do not thaw frozen fruits and vegetables before cooking.
Use containers made of stainless steel, ceramic, glass. Carefully check enamel bowl - if the enamel is cracked - dishes not suitable for prigotovleniyapischi. Contact with iron destroys many vitamins.