Traditionally, doctors and traditional healers advise for the prevention of colds eat foods containing volatile, such as onions, garlic, horseradish and mustard.
But if, despite all the measures taken, the common cold have defeated, use the recipes of traditional medicine.
At the first sign of the disease are encouraged to take part of the healing. Two egg yolks pound with two tablespoons of sugar until thick foam. Separately, 0.5 liters of lager warm up to 40-50 degrees, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, zest of one lemon and two or three carnations. Yolk mass, and put in a saucepan, stirring, pour it warm beer. Continuing to stir, heat over low heat for a lot of three to five minutes, then allow to cool slightly. At night, it is necessary to drink a glass of hot drink, wear wool socks, hide a few blankets to have a good sweat in bed.
At a cold well to daily chewing within five minutes of wax and honey.
If the cold is accompanied by pain and tickling in the throat, then deal with this problem will help rinse decoction of sage, chamomile or pansy.
IF I am suffering COUGH
Finely chop the onions and boil for ten and a head of garlic in milk until soft, add a bit of mint juice and honey. Take a tablespoon of mixture per hour during the day.
Mix two tablespoons of fresh butter, two egg yolks fresh eggs, a teaspoon of flour and two teaspoons of honey. The resulting mixture was eat a teaspoon four times a day.
Boil in water for 10 minutes lemon, cut it, squeeze the juice into a glass, add to it two tablespoons of glycerin food, stir and fill the glass to the brim with honey. With strong and frequent coughing Take two teaspoons of the mixture three times a day before meals and at night.
For infants, folk medicine offers a way to get rid of cough: a teaspoon of honey, add two tablespoons anise seeds and a pinch of salt. It all with a glass of water, bring to a boil, strain. Infusion give the child a teaspoon every two hours.
Effective expectorant tea clover. To do this three or four tablespoons of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, soak for 30 minutes and drink in small sips throughout the day.
TREAT bronchitis
A kilo of ripe tomatoes and 50 g of garlic mince, 300g horseradish grate. All mix, salt the taste. Arrange in glass jars and store tightly sealed in the refrigerator. Bronchitis, children are given tea, and adults - a tablespoon of the mixture before meals three times a day.
Bronchitis effective composition of 15 g of aloe juice, taken 100 g pork lard or goose fat, unsalted butter, honey and cocoa 50. The mixture is taking a tablespoon per cup of hot milk twice a day.
Two tablespoons of crushed twigs of black currants, raspberries or fill buckthorn 2.5 cups of water, bring to a boil, boil in a sealed container for five minutes. Let sit for four hours strain. At high temperatures, drink before going to bed two cups of broth with honey.
Mix a cup of decoction of yarrow and a liter of beer. Take a mixture of a glass three times a day in the form of heat. After the reception should go to bed and bundle up.