Autumn colds more often exposed to people with weakened immune systems. And it can weaken malnutrition, lack of sleep, fatigue, lack of vitamins in the diet, bad habits, stress and emotional strain. Accordingly, preventive measures should be aimed primarily at avoiding these factors.
Traditionally, doctors and traditional healers advise for the prevention of colds eat foods containing volatile, such as onions, garlic, horseradish and mustard.
But if, despite all the measures taken, the common cold have defeated, use the recipes of traditional medicine.
At the first sign of the disease are encouraged to take part of the healing. Two egg yolks pound with two tablespoons of sugar until thick foam. Separately, 0.5 liters of lager warm up to 40-50 degrees, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, zest of one lemon and two or three carnations. Yolk mass, and put in a saucepan, stirring, pour it warm beer. Continuing to stir, heat over low heat for a lot of three to five minutes, then allow to cool slightly. At night, it is necessary to drink a glass of hot drink, wear wool socks, hide a few blankets to have a good sweat in bed.
At a cold well to daily chewing within five minutes of wax and honey.
If the cold is accompanied by pain and tickling in the throat, then deal with this problem will help rinse decoction of sage, chamomile or pansy.
IF I am suffering COUGH
Finely chop the onions and boil for ten and a head of garlic in milk until soft, add a bit of mint juice and honey. Take a tablespoon of mixture per hour during the day.
Mix two tablespoons of fresh butter, two egg yolks fresh eggs, a teaspoon of flour and two teaspoons of honey. The resulting mixture was eat a teaspoon four times a day.
Boil in water for 10 minutes lemon, cut it, squeeze the juice into a glass, add to it two tablespoons of glycerin food, stir and fill the glass to the brim with honey. With strong and frequent coughing Take two teaspoons of the mixture three times a day before meals and at night.
For infants, folk medicine offers a way to get rid of cough: a teaspoon of honey, add two tablespoons anise seeds and a pinch of salt. It all with a glass of water, bring to a boil, strain. Infusion give the child a teaspoon every two hours.
Effective expectorant tea clover. To do this three or four tablespoons of dried flowers pour a glass of boiling water, soak for 30 minutes and drink in small sips throughout the day.
TREAT bronchitis
A kilo of ripe tomatoes and 50 g of garlic mince, 300g horseradish grate. All mix, salt the taste. Arrange in glass jars and store tightly sealed in the refrigerator. Bronchitis, children are given tea, and adults - a tablespoon of the mixture before meals three times a day.
Bronchitis effective composition of 15 g of aloe juice, taken 100 g pork lard or goose fat, unsalted butter, honey and cocoa 50. The mixture is taking a tablespoon per cup of hot milk twice a day.
Two tablespoons of crushed twigs of black currants, raspberries or fill buckthorn 2.5 cups of water, bring to a boil, boil in a sealed container for five minutes. Let sit for four hours strain. At high temperatures, drink before going to bed two cups of broth with honey.
Mix a cup of decoction of yarrow and a liter of beer. Take a mixture of a glass three times a day in the form of heat. After the reception should go to bed and bundle up.
Articles about health, about the treatment of traditional and non-traditional ways.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Identifying the cause of bad breath
In Chicago, a conference involving 200 experts c. Dentists, microbiologists and physiologists have tried to finally find out the cause of bad breath.
Scientists believe that everyone at least once in his life suffered from bad breath. Most often, this problem is caused by bacteria of the mouth that break down proteins, releasing sulfur compounds that make the breath unpleasant.
90% of bad odor comes from the language, which is a vast incubator of bacteria. However, it may also be the causes of dry mouth, medications, bad teeth and even some diseases (eg, diabetes), according to Reuters.
The easiest and most effective way to combat bad breath is a common hygiene: brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with a brush and dental floss to remove bacteria from the tongue, and finally, an antibacterial mouth rinse elixir.
Scientists believe that everyone at least once in his life suffered from bad breath. Most often, this problem is caused by bacteria of the mouth that break down proteins, releasing sulfur compounds that make the breath unpleasant.
90% of bad odor comes from the language, which is a vast incubator of bacteria. However, it may also be the causes of dry mouth, medications, bad teeth and even some diseases (eg, diabetes), according to Reuters.
The easiest and most effective way to combat bad breath is a common hygiene: brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with a brush and dental floss to remove bacteria from the tongue, and finally, an antibacterial mouth rinse elixir.
How to get rid from excessive sweating
Since sweating is facing a lot of people. This problem is especially difficult for girls and women, who are more susceptible to it. Let's look at the causes of excessive sweating and how to get rid of it.
What is excessive sweating
Before you start to analyze this problem, you need to say a few words about the pot. Pot - is an aqueous solution of organic compounds and salts allocated sweat glands. Body secretes sweat for different purposes. For example, in the axillary region, where most often we experience problems with sweating, secrete sebum and sweat, which help us to easily move your hands, that is, this is a physiological sense, and everything happens for a reason.
It is worth noting that the sweat does not smell, it is only after some time, when living on the body and clothing of human bacteria begin to multiply in the environment and produce waste products. Therefore, after you sweating body malodor is not, it may occur after some time.
The causes of excessive sweating
The most frequent discomfort we experience from sweating in the underarm area. Severe underarm sweating is due to the fact that by the sweat gland is the nerve impulses that cause muscle contraction nerve emitting sweat out.
In medicine, called hyperhidrosis - hyperhidrosis. Many do not know, but excessive sweating is a disease and not a simple problem, and therefore, like any other illness, it has its reasons.
The main reason for sweating is too excitable nervous system. The catalyst in this situation may act overweight and obesity precisely. In addition, provoke a very strong sweating can various diseases: kidney, cardiovascular, neurosis etc. Excessive sweating can also be the result of external factors, stress, nervous experiences, high temperature and other things.
Signs of excessive perspiration
Identify excessive sweating can be on the following grounds:
• If your clothes are constantly emerging wet from sweat stains;
• If you're concerned about bad breath, which is accompanied by then;
• If you are concerned about this situation and unpleasant.
With these three reasons we can talk about what you have excessive sweating. In this case, you have to understand that sweating is a constant, not a temporary and seasonal phenomenon.
How to get rid of underarm sweating home
In the first place, to get rid of sweating you need at least 2 times a day to take a shower. Underarm to wash carefully with soap as soap: kills bacteria, which lead to an unpleasant smell, wash away sebum and sweat, removes odors and cleans this area.
Additionally, the underarm shaving absolutely necessary, since if the hair in this area is more intense perspiration. After showering, apply to the skin a special deodorant that will stop sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. Try to wear clothes made of natural fibers, so as not to hinder the evaporation of sweat.
How to get rid of very severe sweating
If excessive sweating in the underarms, to cope with the problem by using common household methods is almost impossible, because they either produce a weak effect, or it is not effective. For this it is necessary to make special medical procedures. This method is most effective as it helps to get rid of sweating for a period of six months to two years - depending on the individual person.
What is this method? In the human body, which suffers from too excessive sweating, Botulinum toxin injected drug that blocks the penetration of nerve impulses in the sweat glands, thereby avoiding the appearance of sweat in this part. Before entering the drug, the doctor must examine the patient and determine in what part of the underarm sweating occurs. In these places, and introduced the drug. These places are determined by working up the armpit lugol then applied on top of Lugol starch. Places where the intensity will be allocated sweat, covered with black. Typically, after this procedure, the effect of the average for the fifth day. It should be noted that the cost of such a procedure is very high and begins 15 thousand, but, nevertheless, the effect is guaranteed.
What is excessive sweating
Before you start to analyze this problem, you need to say a few words about the pot. Pot - is an aqueous solution of organic compounds and salts allocated sweat glands. Body secretes sweat for different purposes. For example, in the axillary region, where most often we experience problems with sweating, secrete sebum and sweat, which help us to easily move your hands, that is, this is a physiological sense, and everything happens for a reason.
It is worth noting that the sweat does not smell, it is only after some time, when living on the body and clothing of human bacteria begin to multiply in the environment and produce waste products. Therefore, after you sweating body malodor is not, it may occur after some time.
The causes of excessive sweating
The most frequent discomfort we experience from sweating in the underarm area. Severe underarm sweating is due to the fact that by the sweat gland is the nerve impulses that cause muscle contraction nerve emitting sweat out.
In medicine, called hyperhidrosis - hyperhidrosis. Many do not know, but excessive sweating is a disease and not a simple problem, and therefore, like any other illness, it has its reasons.
The main reason for sweating is too excitable nervous system. The catalyst in this situation may act overweight and obesity precisely. In addition, provoke a very strong sweating can various diseases: kidney, cardiovascular, neurosis etc. Excessive sweating can also be the result of external factors, stress, nervous experiences, high temperature and other things.
Signs of excessive perspiration
Identify excessive sweating can be on the following grounds:
• If your clothes are constantly emerging wet from sweat stains;
• If you're concerned about bad breath, which is accompanied by then;
• If you are concerned about this situation and unpleasant.
With these three reasons we can talk about what you have excessive sweating. In this case, you have to understand that sweating is a constant, not a temporary and seasonal phenomenon.
How to get rid of underarm sweating home
In the first place, to get rid of sweating you need at least 2 times a day to take a shower. Underarm to wash carefully with soap as soap: kills bacteria, which lead to an unpleasant smell, wash away sebum and sweat, removes odors and cleans this area.
Additionally, the underarm shaving absolutely necessary, since if the hair in this area is more intense perspiration. After showering, apply to the skin a special deodorant that will stop sweating and eliminate unpleasant odors. Try to wear clothes made of natural fibers, so as not to hinder the evaporation of sweat.
How to get rid of very severe sweating
If excessive sweating in the underarms, to cope with the problem by using common household methods is almost impossible, because they either produce a weak effect, or it is not effective. For this it is necessary to make special medical procedures. This method is most effective as it helps to get rid of sweating for a period of six months to two years - depending on the individual person.
What is this method? In the human body, which suffers from too excessive sweating, Botulinum toxin injected drug that blocks the penetration of nerve impulses in the sweat glands, thereby avoiding the appearance of sweat in this part. Before entering the drug, the doctor must examine the patient and determine in what part of the underarm sweating occurs. In these places, and introduced the drug. These places are determined by working up the armpit lugol then applied on top of Lugol starch. Places where the intensity will be allocated sweat, covered with black. Typically, after this procedure, the effect of the average for the fifth day. It should be noted that the cost of such a procedure is very high and begins 15 thousand, but, nevertheless, the effect is guaranteed.
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
HOW TO GET RID OF Athlete's Foot?
Sweating of the feet causes an unpleasant odor that may ruin the mood, not only you but also the people around them. To get rid of this annoying problem, try the following tips.
1. Be sure to wash your feet with antibacterial soap twice a day - morning and evening. Thoroughly dry them with a towel. Hygiene - the main condition to prevent athlete's foot. You can also wash the feet potassium permanganate. It also eliminates the unpleasant odor.
2. Use the special deodorant with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents. Instead, the drug can be used antiperspirants, talcum or baby powder. Also great remedies for athlete's foot - creams or gels with menthol and camphor.
3. Every day, change your socks, stockings and tights. All of these things need to be sure to clean. By the way, you should not wear synthetics, so buy only natural materials.
4. Carefully examine your shoes. With this problem, you should give preference to shoes, breathable. Do not forget to regularly clean and wash shoes both outside and inside. Replace the insoles at least once a month. Take off your shoes, put it in bags of fragrant juniper or cedar shavings or packaging with the zeolite.
5. Solve the problem of sweating to help special foot bath. Just prepare a special broth, add in a basin of water and allow the feet to rest in the water for 15-20 minutes. Enough for one bath 2 tbsp. spoons mixture 3 l of water. Here are a few good recipes with herbs.
• Pour 3 tablespoons of sage leaves in two cups of boiling water and leave to infuse until cool.
• Pour 3 tablespoons of dry oak bark in a container and dilute with three cups of boiling water. Steep the mixture for 2-3 minutes.
• 4 tablespoons of pounded leaves of horsetail pour 4 cups of boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes.
• To prepare the trays can also use flaxseed, tea leaves of strong black tea, sea salt, lemon peel, honey, rose leaves, St. John's wort, peppermint, lime, nettle and other herbs.
6. Sweating can be overcome by wiping the toes. For this purpose use vinegar solution (diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 5), 20% solution of aluminum chloride or boric acid powder. Simply apply these substances to the area between the toes and feet.
7. Another remedy for athlete's foot can be used at night. Put socks in milled into powder oak bark or leaves any herb and sleep in them. You can also rub into the feet of a few drops of lavender oil and put on clean cotton socks at night.
All these methods can be applied in combination and individually. Select a suitable option and proceed to treatment. If you do not help these tips, you should see a doctor because excessive sweating feet may indicate a serious infection.
1. Be sure to wash your feet with antibacterial soap twice a day - morning and evening. Thoroughly dry them with a towel. Hygiene - the main condition to prevent athlete's foot. You can also wash the feet potassium permanganate. It also eliminates the unpleasant odor.
2. Use the special deodorant with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents. Instead, the drug can be used antiperspirants, talcum or baby powder. Also great remedies for athlete's foot - creams or gels with menthol and camphor.
3. Every day, change your socks, stockings and tights. All of these things need to be sure to clean. By the way, you should not wear synthetics, so buy only natural materials.
4. Carefully examine your shoes. With this problem, you should give preference to shoes, breathable. Do not forget to regularly clean and wash shoes both outside and inside. Replace the insoles at least once a month. Take off your shoes, put it in bags of fragrant juniper or cedar shavings or packaging with the zeolite.
5. Solve the problem of sweating to help special foot bath. Just prepare a special broth, add in a basin of water and allow the feet to rest in the water for 15-20 minutes. Enough for one bath 2 tbsp. spoons mixture 3 l of water. Here are a few good recipes with herbs.
• Pour 3 tablespoons of sage leaves in two cups of boiling water and leave to infuse until cool.
• Pour 3 tablespoons of dry oak bark in a container and dilute with three cups of boiling water. Steep the mixture for 2-3 minutes.
• 4 tablespoons of pounded leaves of horsetail pour 4 cups of boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes.
• To prepare the trays can also use flaxseed, tea leaves of strong black tea, sea salt, lemon peel, honey, rose leaves, St. John's wort, peppermint, lime, nettle and other herbs.
6. Sweating can be overcome by wiping the toes. For this purpose use vinegar solution (diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 5), 20% solution of aluminum chloride or boric acid powder. Simply apply these substances to the area between the toes and feet.
7. Another remedy for athlete's foot can be used at night. Put socks in milled into powder oak bark or leaves any herb and sleep in them. You can also rub into the feet of a few drops of lavender oil and put on clean cotton socks at night.
All these methods can be applied in combination and individually. Select a suitable option and proceed to treatment. If you do not help these tips, you should see a doctor because excessive sweating feet may indicate a serious infection.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Inhalation: resurrects SIMPLE METHOD OF TREATMENT
Parents are different: someone kills the children of colds and viruses fangled sprays and pills, and someone treats a child proven "old-fashioned" way, causing the child hugging under a towel with the outgoing steam pan. Simple, inexpensive and efficient. But how do competently inhalation at home - this question very few people answer correctly ...
Inhalation - Inhalation of drugs for therapeutic purposes. Such a method of treatment useful for resorting the first signs of respiratory diseases (cold - rhinitis, inflammation of tonsils - tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis, bronchial inflammation - bronchitis and pulmonary - pneumonia), and for the prevention and elimination of bronchial asthma.
What is good inhalation?
First, in respiratory diseases is a blow to the virus, they say, "in the ten." If we accept this as the primary method of treatment, then you do not need to stuff a child of dozens of tablets, powders and influenza of all that, as a rule, gives a lot more side effects than inhalation.
Second, the drug dispersed in fine particles, are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and treat them with the greatest efficiency. Third, inhalation, as no other means to facilitate the removal of airway mucus and phlegm.
Now the contraindications. Inhalation of the child can not be done when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, with nosebleeds or inclination to them, with diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure.
We are treated properly
Inhalation spend no sooner than 1-1.5 hours after a meal, while respecting the basic rules:
• Do not force your child to breathe over boiling water, it is fraught with burns of mucous. The optimum water temperature for baby inhalation - 30-40 degrees.
• In diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses child should inhale and exhale drug without stress through the nose, diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs - through the mouth.
• Wear a child during the procedure should not hamper the neck and obstruct breathing. After inhalation for an hour is not recommended to talk, especially to sing and eat.
Choosing inhaler
For the treatment of lower respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi) best suited called nebulisers: ultrasonic nebulization and compressors that convert liquid to vapor.
Elektroaerozolnye inhalers heated not only moisture but negatively charged particles that improves their ability to penetrate into the bronchi. There inhalers intended for very young children. These included a special mask that allows you to carry out the procedure, not only sitting but also lying. Protsedury5 Duration 10 minutes.
Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation - not such a harmless procedure, as it seems to many parents. Improperly conducted the procedure may bring additional health problems (burns, dry mucous membranes).
Ideally, the sequence of your actions have to be. The water temperature required to fill the kettle with a narrow neck. There also add selected products: a few drops of essential oils, herbal teas. A simple cardboard make a funnel: the younger the child is, the longer it - and put on the spout. Before you start inhaling the child, check the temperature of the steam itself. The duration of inhalation 3-5 min. Make them 1-2 times a day.
Therapeutic solutions
To better departed sputum, used soda inhalation (1 liter of water 4 teaspoons of baking soda) or steam-heated mineral water. Respiratory infections are effective almost all essential oils. They contain volatile (materials having disinfecting action). The most preferred oil of anise, pine, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, cinnamon. An important advantage of inhalations with essential oils: no child should be forced to breathe them. Almost always it is a pleasure for the baby. But to get involved with large doses of essential oils do not otherwise they cause the opposite effect, and dried mucosa, causing a feeling of sore throat.
When inflammation of the tonsils well help inhalation of an aqueous solution with the juice of onions, garlic. To make it necessary to get the mush with onions or garlic tool for crushing garlic. The resulting mush strain through cheesecloth. Onion or garlic juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part of juice, 10 parts water).
Useful inhalation steaming aromas of plants (freshly ground pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried leaves of eucalyptus, oak, birch, linden flower, chamomile, peppermint, lavender, sage, sage, black currant leaves. Their evaporation have disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. greatest effect is the use of a collection of plants. When cooking broth using a proportion: 250 ml of water 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials.
For infections of the upper respiratory tract can be brewed herb thyme, oregano, lavender, mother and stepmother, sage, chamomile. Good effect in these diseases has also sniffing boiled in "uniform" of potatoes or potato peels and oat hulls. Long term inhalation of 5-15 minutes.
Inhalation - Inhalation of drugs for therapeutic purposes. Such a method of treatment useful for resorting the first signs of respiratory diseases (cold - rhinitis, inflammation of tonsils - tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis, bronchial inflammation - bronchitis and pulmonary - pneumonia), and for the prevention and elimination of bronchial asthma.
What is good inhalation?
First, in respiratory diseases is a blow to the virus, they say, "in the ten." If we accept this as the primary method of treatment, then you do not need to stuff a child of dozens of tablets, powders and influenza of all that, as a rule, gives a lot more side effects than inhalation.
Second, the drug dispersed in fine particles, are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and treat them with the greatest efficiency. Third, inhalation, as no other means to facilitate the removal of airway mucus and phlegm.
Now the contraindications. Inhalation of the child can not be done when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees, with nosebleeds or inclination to them, with diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure.
We are treated properly
Inhalation spend no sooner than 1-1.5 hours after a meal, while respecting the basic rules:
• Do not force your child to breathe over boiling water, it is fraught with burns of mucous. The optimum water temperature for baby inhalation - 30-40 degrees.
• In diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses child should inhale and exhale drug without stress through the nose, diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs - through the mouth.
• Wear a child during the procedure should not hamper the neck and obstruct breathing. After inhalation for an hour is not recommended to talk, especially to sing and eat.
Choosing inhaler
For the treatment of lower respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi) best suited called nebulisers: ultrasonic nebulization and compressors that convert liquid to vapor.
Elektroaerozolnye inhalers heated not only moisture but negatively charged particles that improves their ability to penetrate into the bronchi. There inhalers intended for very young children. These included a special mask that allows you to carry out the procedure, not only sitting but also lying. Protsedury5 Duration 10 minutes.
Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation - not such a harmless procedure, as it seems to many parents. Improperly conducted the procedure may bring additional health problems (burns, dry mucous membranes).
Ideally, the sequence of your actions have to be. The water temperature required to fill the kettle with a narrow neck. There also add selected products: a few drops of essential oils, herbal teas. A simple cardboard make a funnel: the younger the child is, the longer it - and put on the spout. Before you start inhaling the child, check the temperature of the steam itself. The duration of inhalation 3-5 min. Make them 1-2 times a day.
Therapeutic solutions
To better departed sputum, used soda inhalation (1 liter of water 4 teaspoons of baking soda) or steam-heated mineral water. Respiratory infections are effective almost all essential oils. They contain volatile (materials having disinfecting action). The most preferred oil of anise, pine, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, cinnamon. An important advantage of inhalations with essential oils: no child should be forced to breathe them. Almost always it is a pleasure for the baby. But to get involved with large doses of essential oils do not otherwise they cause the opposite effect, and dried mucosa, causing a feeling of sore throat.
When inflammation of the tonsils well help inhalation of an aqueous solution with the juice of onions, garlic. To make it necessary to get the mush with onions or garlic tool for crushing garlic. The resulting mush strain through cheesecloth. Onion or garlic juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part of juice, 10 parts water).
Useful inhalation steaming aromas of plants (freshly ground pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried leaves of eucalyptus, oak, birch, linden flower, chamomile, peppermint, lavender, sage, sage, black currant leaves. Their evaporation have disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. greatest effect is the use of a collection of plants. When cooking broth using a proportion: 250 ml of water 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials.
For infections of the upper respiratory tract can be brewed herb thyme, oregano, lavender, mother and stepmother, sage, chamomile. Good effect in these diseases has also sniffing boiled in "uniform" of potatoes or potato peels and oat hulls. Long term inhalation of 5-15 minutes.
Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies
Almost one in five people in the world after reaching the age of 30 suffer from different types of back pain caused by osteochondrosis. It can be a cause and a variety of other symptoms - headaches, double vision, dizziness, tinnitus. It happens that women complain of pain and in the internal organs - the liver, stomach, gall bladder, kidneys, and heart. Young ladies may feel numbness in the hands and feet. Osteochondrosis may be lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae. The latter is causing headaches, and chest pain. Fortunately, there are ways to treat cervical degenerative disc disease folk remedies.
Massage and rubbing
Any type of degenerative disc disease can be treated at home. It is especially useful for elderly women as drugs have adverse effects on their body, in particular kidney, liver and stomach. Most types of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies is based on rubbing and massage.
Honey grinding
For example, at night you can make honey massage. To do this, a bit of honey taken in hand and start making rubbing, first pressing, and then suddenly taking his hand off her neck. Procedure should be performed as long as the hand stops sticking to the massaged area. Then the neck to compress paper and attach it to wrap up warm. There should be a feeling of tingling, warmth and a pleasant tingling.
Other mixtures
Honey can also be used for other mixtures. For example, we can take half a cup of honey, one-third cup of sunflower oil, black radish, grated on a fine grater, and mix together. The mixture should infuse a week in a warm place. Then it can be used for compresses and rubbing. Another recipe is a mixture of honey contains salt, alcohol, two tablespoons of water and 250 grams of honey. All this must be a good grind. Then spread to the neck with sunflower oil and apply on top of a gauze bandage with the mixture. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed.
Rubbing on the basis of pharmacy assets
Another effective method of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies is the preparation of compositions based on the drug "Viprosal", which is composed of salicylic acid, camphor, turpentine and viper venom. By the content of one tube means you need to add 100 grams of valerian tincture, 100 ml of aloe juice and the same amount of ammonia. Use this mixture to rub the affected part of the back. Keep it must be in a sealed jar.
Rubbing alcohol on the basis of camphor
Camphor oil is often used in the manufacture of compounds for rubbing. For example, you can take a spoonful of camphor oil, vinegar, turpentine and ammonia, the mixture was placed in a container of 100 grams and fill to the top with melted lard. After that, the mixture should be stirred well. Keep it must be refrigerated. Before applying ointment to warm up in a water bath, to moisten her a piece of cloth and make a compress, heat wrapped neck. Conduct rubbing can simply camphor spirit. Before using a vial with a means to a good shake. It is best to apply at night, rubbing the skin dryness and heat shielding the sore spot.
A decoction of sage
Effective treatment for cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies is the use of a decoction of sage inside. Dried sage leaves can be found in a regular pharmacy. To prepare the broth should take a tablespoon of sage, pour two cups of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. The mixture was then insist half hour and filtered. Need to drink a third of a cup three times a day.
To achieve the maximum benefit from the treatment of back pain do not forget about the simple rules: Do not expose your body handle stress, exposure to cold, you should carefully follow the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Massage and rubbing
Any type of degenerative disc disease can be treated at home. It is especially useful for elderly women as drugs have adverse effects on their body, in particular kidney, liver and stomach. Most types of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies is based on rubbing and massage.
Honey grinding
For example, at night you can make honey massage. To do this, a bit of honey taken in hand and start making rubbing, first pressing, and then suddenly taking his hand off her neck. Procedure should be performed as long as the hand stops sticking to the massaged area. Then the neck to compress paper and attach it to wrap up warm. There should be a feeling of tingling, warmth and a pleasant tingling.
Other mixtures
Honey can also be used for other mixtures. For example, we can take half a cup of honey, one-third cup of sunflower oil, black radish, grated on a fine grater, and mix together. The mixture should infuse a week in a warm place. Then it can be used for compresses and rubbing. Another recipe is a mixture of honey contains salt, alcohol, two tablespoons of water and 250 grams of honey. All this must be a good grind. Then spread to the neck with sunflower oil and apply on top of a gauze bandage with the mixture. It is best to do this procedure before going to bed.
Rubbing on the basis of pharmacy assets
Another effective method of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies is the preparation of compositions based on the drug "Viprosal", which is composed of salicylic acid, camphor, turpentine and viper venom. By the content of one tube means you need to add 100 grams of valerian tincture, 100 ml of aloe juice and the same amount of ammonia. Use this mixture to rub the affected part of the back. Keep it must be in a sealed jar.
Rubbing alcohol on the basis of camphor
Camphor oil is often used in the manufacture of compounds for rubbing. For example, you can take a spoonful of camphor oil, vinegar, turpentine and ammonia, the mixture was placed in a container of 100 grams and fill to the top with melted lard. After that, the mixture should be stirred well. Keep it must be refrigerated. Before applying ointment to warm up in a water bath, to moisten her a piece of cloth and make a compress, heat wrapped neck. Conduct rubbing can simply camphor spirit. Before using a vial with a means to a good shake. It is best to apply at night, rubbing the skin dryness and heat shielding the sore spot.
A decoction of sage
Effective treatment for cervical degenerative disc disease of folk remedies is the use of a decoction of sage inside. Dried sage leaves can be found in a regular pharmacy. To prepare the broth should take a tablespoon of sage, pour two cups of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. The mixture was then insist half hour and filtered. Need to drink a third of a cup three times a day.
To achieve the maximum benefit from the treatment of back pain do not forget about the simple rules: Do not expose your body handle stress, exposure to cold, you should carefully follow the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
How to protect yourself from allergies?
Doctors advise people who are allergic to tree pollen, diet, wearing a medical mask, wash more often and monitor the Internet for updates data on the amount of pollen in the air.
Now begins the difficult period for the people for whom the allergen is pollen of trees such as ash, birch, alder, linden, oak, the doctor said allergist-immunologist, associate professor of Clinical Immunology, Moscow State Medical and Dental University (MSMSU) Varvara Larina. According to her, this period lasts until the end of May.
"There has come season dusting the trees, you can now advise patients to keep track of data on the number of pollen and doctors' recommendations that must be followed," - said the head of the scientific advisory department of the Institute of Immunology Russia Lyudmila Luss.
Allergy or infection?
People who do not suffer from the first year of worsening allergy symptoms - sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, respiratory failure, should first consult a doctor who will prescribe anti-allergic treatment, experts believe. "Do not self-medicate. Now a lot of money - and treatment, and prevention, which allow you to monitor the condition of patients, "- said Luss.
She emphasized that only a doctor can determine is, Is being allergic or is it some kind of infection. "Spring - it's not just the aggravation of allergies, but that's the aggravation of various viral infections that have rinokonyuktivalnye manifestations similar to an allergy," - said the doctor.
The diet of cross-allergy
"It is proved that the antigen tree has similarities with a variety of stone products - it's apples, pears, peaches, apricots, carrots, certain spices, herbs, reception of which must be limited to that period of time," - said Larin.
Luss also advised people with allergies to give this time of year from nuts, infusions of rose hips, from cosmetics, medicines, up to toothpaste, if they contain raw materials from trees, which can also provide cross-allergic reactions.
The Invisible Enemy
According to Luss, at this time of year, allergy sufferers should try to ensure that the pollen as small as possible to enter the body. When a man comes home from the street, it must necessarily wash, rinse your mouth and rinse the nasal cavity, remove the clothes in which he was in the street, because it absorbs himself in the pollen. The doctor thinks that you should not be ashamed to wear a medical mask, because it is made of special filters, well protect against pollen.
Larina believes that it is also desirable to have a grid on the windows, which would have delayed the pollen, and put the home air cleaner.
Now begins the difficult period for the people for whom the allergen is pollen of trees such as ash, birch, alder, linden, oak, the doctor said allergist-immunologist, associate professor of Clinical Immunology, Moscow State Medical and Dental University (MSMSU) Varvara Larina. According to her, this period lasts until the end of May.
"There has come season dusting the trees, you can now advise patients to keep track of data on the number of pollen and doctors' recommendations that must be followed," - said the head of the scientific advisory department of the Institute of Immunology Russia Lyudmila Luss.
Allergy or infection?
People who do not suffer from the first year of worsening allergy symptoms - sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, respiratory failure, should first consult a doctor who will prescribe anti-allergic treatment, experts believe. "Do not self-medicate. Now a lot of money - and treatment, and prevention, which allow you to monitor the condition of patients, "- said Luss.
She emphasized that only a doctor can determine is, Is being allergic or is it some kind of infection. "Spring - it's not just the aggravation of allergies, but that's the aggravation of various viral infections that have rinokonyuktivalnye manifestations similar to an allergy," - said the doctor.
The diet of cross-allergy
"It is proved that the antigen tree has similarities with a variety of stone products - it's apples, pears, peaches, apricots, carrots, certain spices, herbs, reception of which must be limited to that period of time," - said Larin.
Luss also advised people with allergies to give this time of year from nuts, infusions of rose hips, from cosmetics, medicines, up to toothpaste, if they contain raw materials from trees, which can also provide cross-allergic reactions.
The Invisible Enemy
According to Luss, at this time of year, allergy sufferers should try to ensure that the pollen as small as possible to enter the body. When a man comes home from the street, it must necessarily wash, rinse your mouth and rinse the nasal cavity, remove the clothes in which he was in the street, because it absorbs himself in the pollen. The doctor thinks that you should not be ashamed to wear a medical mask, because it is made of special filters, well protect against pollen.
Larina believes that it is also desirable to have a grid on the windows, which would have delayed the pollen, and put the home air cleaner.
Monday, 13 January 2014
HOW TO TREAT A runny nose
Virtually no viral infection and the common cold are not without common cold, as a result of which we can not breathe through the nose, due to frequent vysmarkivaniya we rub with it, do not feel the smell and feel the general discomfort. But how can we facilitate their well-being, as well as quickly and effectively cure the common cold? - These are the questions we answer in this article.
Why do we have a runny nose
In order to begin to treat runny nose, we should know the result that it appears: the cells that are in our nose, in contact with any stimulus, begin to produce mucus to clear the display and all the stimuli of our nose, in fact, a runny nose is a safety the reaction of our body from the stimulus. Causes irritation of the nose cells may be different, we will discuss them below. To treat a cold, we have to eliminate the cause (stimulus), in which he appeared with us. This moment is a major mistake many of us that we do not establish the cause of the common cold, we begin to treat it, this is equivalent to the pipe breaks and instead turn off the tap, we will keep a place gust hand, so that the water did not flow - is the most the best example in this situation.
Identify the cause of the common cold may be due to selection:
The immediate causes of the common cold are:
In addition, if you have a cold began to appear frequently, it may indicate that it develops into chronic. If the runny nose is not treated, it will move to the maxillary sinus, which in turn is a more complex problem than a simple cold, and it is no longer cope at home. So as soon as you had a cold, so he is not turned into a bad cold, immediately begin to treat him.
How to rid yourself of a cold
Treating the symptoms of the common cold
As soon as you feel unwell: zahlyupalo in the nose, headache in the forehead, eyes began to water - try not to go out, and if possible - take a day off. Staying at home as much as possible help to overcome the immunity of a cold or virus. Very useful to be taking a hot bath, after adding back extract oils from juniper, pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile and tea tree. Take antiviral drugs and immunopovyshayuschie, as well as vitamin C. Try to stick to the day bed rest, lying under a warm blanket. Lean on warm tea and fruit.
The second common cause of rhinitis - allergic. In this situation, you should be sure to identify the allergen. By taking steps to eliminate the allergen - we treat a runny nose.
This is with regard to the causes of the common cold, but now let's look at the treatment of the common cold.
How to get rid of a cold
The first thing you should right vysmarkivatsya, because, chances are, you're doing it wrong. Many of us old-fashioned rag vysmarkivayutsya in a handkerchief, but it is wrong, because all the germs that go along with snot remain on the cloth, and at the time vysmarkivanii again they get into our bodies. To avoid this situation, it is necessary only to vysmarkivatsya handkerchiefs to be discarded after vysmarkivaniya.
Digging in the nose. Another of the most common errors in the treatment of the common cold is that some are beginning to bury his nose vasoconstrictor drugs that constrict blood vessels due only at the time runny nose clean and do not treat it, and it's not what we need. To use the nasal instillation of drops based on herbs that provide not only a therapeutic effect, but also will remove the discomfort in the nose and ease breathing. Before you bury your nose, it should be washed with a solution of sea salt, which is sold in almost every drugstore.
As a folk remedy for colds use inhalationand on the basis of: peppermint, eucalyptus, calendula and other herbs. For inhalation, you can use essential oils that are certain there will be every girl.
It is mandatory to ventilate the room to the room did not accumulate bacteria. For the treatment of the common cold is also recommended to use aromatherapy, for this you need a oil burner and aroma oils, which cleanse the air in the room and help your breathing.
Why do we have a runny nose
In order to begin to treat runny nose, we should know the result that it appears: the cells that are in our nose, in contact with any stimulus, begin to produce mucus to clear the display and all the stimuli of our nose, in fact, a runny nose is a safety the reaction of our body from the stimulus. Causes irritation of the nose cells may be different, we will discuss them below. To treat a cold, we have to eliminate the cause (stimulus), in which he appeared with us. This moment is a major mistake many of us that we do not establish the cause of the common cold, we begin to treat it, this is equivalent to the pipe breaks and instead turn off the tap, we will keep a place gust hand, so that the water did not flow - is the most the best example in this situation.
Identify the cause of the common cold may be due to selection:
- If the color selections clear - this is a consequence of viral infection or allergies;
- If the color is yellow-green discharge - then you have a bacterial infection.
The immediate causes of the common cold are:
- Chilled to the Bone;
- Sudden changes in temperature;
- Viral infections;
- Colds;
- Allergic reactions;
- Contaminated and gas polluted air.
In addition, if you have a cold began to appear frequently, it may indicate that it develops into chronic. If the runny nose is not treated, it will move to the maxillary sinus, which in turn is a more complex problem than a simple cold, and it is no longer cope at home. So as soon as you had a cold, so he is not turned into a bad cold, immediately begin to treat him.
How to rid yourself of a cold
Treating the symptoms of the common cold
As soon as you feel unwell: zahlyupalo in the nose, headache in the forehead, eyes began to water - try not to go out, and if possible - take a day off. Staying at home as much as possible help to overcome the immunity of a cold or virus. Very useful to be taking a hot bath, after adding back extract oils from juniper, pine needles, eucalyptus, chamomile and tea tree. Take antiviral drugs and immunopovyshayuschie, as well as vitamin C. Try to stick to the day bed rest, lying under a warm blanket. Lean on warm tea and fruit.
The second common cause of rhinitis - allergic. In this situation, you should be sure to identify the allergen. By taking steps to eliminate the allergen - we treat a runny nose.
This is with regard to the causes of the common cold, but now let's look at the treatment of the common cold.
How to get rid of a cold
The first thing you should right vysmarkivatsya, because, chances are, you're doing it wrong. Many of us old-fashioned rag vysmarkivayutsya in a handkerchief, but it is wrong, because all the germs that go along with snot remain on the cloth, and at the time vysmarkivanii again they get into our bodies. To avoid this situation, it is necessary only to vysmarkivatsya handkerchiefs to be discarded after vysmarkivaniya.
Digging in the nose. Another of the most common errors in the treatment of the common cold is that some are beginning to bury his nose vasoconstrictor drugs that constrict blood vessels due only at the time runny nose clean and do not treat it, and it's not what we need. To use the nasal instillation of drops based on herbs that provide not only a therapeutic effect, but also will remove the discomfort in the nose and ease breathing. Before you bury your nose, it should be washed with a solution of sea salt, which is sold in almost every drugstore.
As a folk remedy for colds use inhalationand on the basis of: peppermint, eucalyptus, calendula and other herbs. For inhalation, you can use essential oils that are certain there will be every girl.
It is mandatory to ventilate the room to the room did not accumulate bacteria. For the treatment of the common cold is also recommended to use aromatherapy, for this you need a oil burner and aroma oils, which cleanse the air in the room and help your breathing.
Getting rid of a cold
Runny nose may occur at any time of the year, it is enough to sit under the air conditioner in the summer, or eat a couple of servings of ice cream soda with ice, or in the autumn and winter wet feet, and now he unexpected guest. It could be resolved by a variety of drops or use folk remedies.
In normal or chronic rhinitis, as well as Ozen (stinking cold) good help from propolis ointment and tincture of eucalyptus leaves. For preparing ointments take 20 grams propolis comminute and pour warm sunflower or corn oil. Install container in a water bath and heated with constant stirring, until then, until the mixture is smooth (do not boil). Warm ointment filtered and placed in a jar, kept in a cool dark place. Tampons soaked in proceeds and placed in each nostril of 1.5 to two hours. Once the medication is removed from the nose, its cavity is washed with the infusion of eucalyptus leaves. To prepare take one teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves, pour half a glass of boiled water for about an hour. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
In atrophic rhinitis using propolis oil. To make it take 10 grams of crushed propolis, grind it with a teaspoon of this butter oil was added 50 milliliters of sunflower oil, slightly heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. Cotton swabs moistened in this maser and lay into each nasal passage twice daily in the morning and at night. The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes.
For the treatment of rhinitis using juice kolanhoe or plantain with honey. Fresh leaves of the plant are ground and squeeze the juice from them. To 70 milliliters of juice was added 30 grams of honey was mixed well. The resulting mixture is buried nose 2-3 times a day for 2-3 drops in each nostril.
In normal or chronic rhinitis, as well as Ozen (stinking cold) good help from propolis ointment and tincture of eucalyptus leaves. For preparing ointments take 20 grams propolis comminute and pour warm sunflower or corn oil. Install container in a water bath and heated with constant stirring, until then, until the mixture is smooth (do not boil). Warm ointment filtered and placed in a jar, kept in a cool dark place. Tampons soaked in proceeds and placed in each nostril of 1.5 to two hours. Once the medication is removed from the nose, its cavity is washed with the infusion of eucalyptus leaves. To prepare take one teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves, pour half a glass of boiled water for about an hour. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
In atrophic rhinitis using propolis oil. To make it take 10 grams of crushed propolis, grind it with a teaspoon of this butter oil was added 50 milliliters of sunflower oil, slightly heated in a water bath and mixed thoroughly. Cotton swabs moistened in this maser and lay into each nasal passage twice daily in the morning and at night. The procedure is carried out for 20-30 minutes.
For the treatment of rhinitis using juice kolanhoe or plantain with honey. Fresh leaves of the plant are ground and squeeze the juice from them. To 70 milliliters of juice was added 30 grams of honey was mixed well. The resulting mixture is buried nose 2-3 times a day for 2-3 drops in each nostril.
Wine vinegar
Vinegar is the best of all vinegars and is widely used in the household for canning, pickling vegetables and fruits, as well as for the preparation of various dishes.
The raw material for making vinegar can serve as grape pomace, damaged berries that are fermented into alcohol. For this purpose pomace pour water in the ratio of the water for five to six parts of feedstock. After six or seven hours the liquid is separated and fermented with yeast.
The resulting mixture was filtered and poured into the pot to fill two-thirds of its volume. The hole is closed with two or three layers of gauze or cotton plugs that had free access of air.
Dishes are placed in a warm place. Vinegar will be ready in six to eight weeks. The finished product is bottled and pasteurized. This vinegar can be used as a condiment for the treatment of various diseases.
Vinegar may be prepared by another method. Five or six bottles of wine being poured into a barrel or glass dish, add a bucket of cold boiled water, 800 grams of sugar or honey, 13 g of citric acid and not Stoppering and slightly covered with a cloth, put in a warm place. Vinegar will be ready in about two months.
One of the easiest ways of making vinegar is next. Dissolved in a liter of water four or five tablespoons of sugar and top with grout 1.5 kg of grape scrap obtained. A vessel with a mixture of knotted gauze and placed in a warm place.
At the end of fermentation, when the vinegar and enough prosvetleet turn sour, it is filtered through several layers of gauze, bottled, sealed and stored in a cool place.
Wine vinegar is used to treat gout or salt deposits. Cloth moistened with a liquid and abundantly at night is applied to the affected area. In the evening, the procedure is repeated.
Spraying vinegar in a room where there is a patient with influenza or sore throat, prevents infection of other family members.
At low and zero acidity of gastric juice, doctors and traditional healers recommend drinking grape vinegar - two teaspoons per cup of water in the morning after breakfast. It is important to drink it slowly, in small sips.
In chronic fatigue wine vinegar in salads with fresh vegetables, beans, to sauces, fish.
On the basis of the vine make garlic vinegar. To do this five or six cloves of crushed garlic, pour a liter of wine vinegar and insist in a dark place for 10 days. Use a vinegar for diabetes, scabies, ringworm, corns, warts and other skin diseases.
It is important to remember that vinegar is contraindicated for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach diseases. In addition, vinegar eats away the enamel of the teeth.
The raw material for making vinegar can serve as grape pomace, damaged berries that are fermented into alcohol. For this purpose pomace pour water in the ratio of the water for five to six parts of feedstock. After six or seven hours the liquid is separated and fermented with yeast.
The resulting mixture was filtered and poured into the pot to fill two-thirds of its volume. The hole is closed with two or three layers of gauze or cotton plugs that had free access of air.
Dishes are placed in a warm place. Vinegar will be ready in six to eight weeks. The finished product is bottled and pasteurized. This vinegar can be used as a condiment for the treatment of various diseases.
Vinegar may be prepared by another method. Five or six bottles of wine being poured into a barrel or glass dish, add a bucket of cold boiled water, 800 grams of sugar or honey, 13 g of citric acid and not Stoppering and slightly covered with a cloth, put in a warm place. Vinegar will be ready in about two months.
One of the easiest ways of making vinegar is next. Dissolved in a liter of water four or five tablespoons of sugar and top with grout 1.5 kg of grape scrap obtained. A vessel with a mixture of knotted gauze and placed in a warm place.
At the end of fermentation, when the vinegar and enough prosvetleet turn sour, it is filtered through several layers of gauze, bottled, sealed and stored in a cool place.
Wine vinegar is used to treat gout or salt deposits. Cloth moistened with a liquid and abundantly at night is applied to the affected area. In the evening, the procedure is repeated.
Spraying vinegar in a room where there is a patient with influenza or sore throat, prevents infection of other family members.
At low and zero acidity of gastric juice, doctors and traditional healers recommend drinking grape vinegar - two teaspoons per cup of water in the morning after breakfast. It is important to drink it slowly, in small sips.
In chronic fatigue wine vinegar in salads with fresh vegetables, beans, to sauces, fish.
On the basis of the vine make garlic vinegar. To do this five or six cloves of crushed garlic, pour a liter of wine vinegar and insist in a dark place for 10 days. Use a vinegar for diabetes, scabies, ringworm, corns, warts and other skin diseases.
It is important to remember that vinegar is contraindicated for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach diseases. In addition, vinegar eats away the enamel of the teeth.
Friday, 10 January 2014
MAGIC ELIXIR - Apple Cider Vinegar
Prepare natural apple cider vinegar at home is easy. To do this, 800 g apples (preferably Antonovka) washed and scrubbed (with the core and skin) on a coarse grater. Then, the slurry poured malic liter lukewarm water added 50-100 g honey or sugar, 10 g or 20 g of yeast dry rye bread.
The resulting mixture is poured without adding it to the top by 7-9 cm, glass, wood or clay vessel with a wide mouth and kept open in a dark, warm place for ten days. During this time, the recommended two or three times a day with a wooden spoon stir the slurry.
Then a lot of apple squeeze through several layers of cheesecloth or a thick cotton cloth, is added to each liter of the resulting juice 50-100 grams of sugar or honey, again poured into a container with a wide mouth, tied it with gauze and put in a warm, dark place to continue the process of fermentation. This usually requires 40-60 days.
Fermentation is considered complete when the liquid ceases to foam and becomes light. The resulting vinegar is filtered, bottled, sealed them tightly stoppered and stored in a cool place.
You can cook the vinegar and a little differently. Overripe apples and windfalls washed, scrubbed on a coarse grater or finely cut, put into a broad enamel pot, pour hot water (65-70 degrees), the level of which should be 3-4 cm above the apples, add sugar (50-100 g per pounds of apples) and put in a warm, dark place.
Two months later, a lot of strain and the resulting liquid is poured into the banks, without adding to the top 5-7 cm in two weeks ready vinegar is filtered and bottled.
In apple vinegar are valuable organic acids and mineral substances, in particular, a large amount of potassium required to normalize the nervous system. He - effective remedy for obesity, headaches, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, varicose veins.
To improve digestion and metabolism, experts advise one to two times per day to use the mixture obtained from two teaspoons of vinegar and a cup of water. (To soften the taste you can add a spoonful of honey). This drink is taken before each meal and rubbing (within 10-15 minutes) in the morning and in the evening of vinegar into the joints will help to get rid of arthritis, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
But do not forget that vinegar, like any other acid eats away the acid-alkaline environment of the stomach (taken on an empty stomach), thereby damaging the mucosa, as well as the teeth. So after making sure vinegar to rinse your mouth with clean water. Also, do not take apple cider vinegar for a long time.
It can also be used in the fight against corns. For this crust of bread soaked in vinegar and applied to the soles of the feet at night as a compress. Stronger effect in this case gives pre-infused vinegar with onions.
Apple cider vinegar is also a great cosmetic product. Wipe the face with a water solution useful for both dry and oily skin. By the way, it will help and if your skin is cracked. To do this, regular hand cream mixed (1:1) with apple cider vinegar and applied to freshly washed hands.
This magical elixir is considered an effective remedy for stretch marks and cellulite. To do this, 30 ml of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water and the resulting solution massaged the problem areas of the body. Such grinding make the skin smooth and fresh.
The resulting mixture is poured without adding it to the top by 7-9 cm, glass, wood or clay vessel with a wide mouth and kept open in a dark, warm place for ten days. During this time, the recommended two or three times a day with a wooden spoon stir the slurry.
Then a lot of apple squeeze through several layers of cheesecloth or a thick cotton cloth, is added to each liter of the resulting juice 50-100 grams of sugar or honey, again poured into a container with a wide mouth, tied it with gauze and put in a warm, dark place to continue the process of fermentation. This usually requires 40-60 days.
Fermentation is considered complete when the liquid ceases to foam and becomes light. The resulting vinegar is filtered, bottled, sealed them tightly stoppered and stored in a cool place.
You can cook the vinegar and a little differently. Overripe apples and windfalls washed, scrubbed on a coarse grater or finely cut, put into a broad enamel pot, pour hot water (65-70 degrees), the level of which should be 3-4 cm above the apples, add sugar (50-100 g per pounds of apples) and put in a warm, dark place.
Two months later, a lot of strain and the resulting liquid is poured into the banks, without adding to the top 5-7 cm in two weeks ready vinegar is filtered and bottled.
In apple vinegar are valuable organic acids and mineral substances, in particular, a large amount of potassium required to normalize the nervous system. He - effective remedy for obesity, headaches, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, varicose veins.
To improve digestion and metabolism, experts advise one to two times per day to use the mixture obtained from two teaspoons of vinegar and a cup of water. (To soften the taste you can add a spoonful of honey). This drink is taken before each meal and rubbing (within 10-15 minutes) in the morning and in the evening of vinegar into the joints will help to get rid of arthritis, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
But do not forget that vinegar, like any other acid eats away the acid-alkaline environment of the stomach (taken on an empty stomach), thereby damaging the mucosa, as well as the teeth. So after making sure vinegar to rinse your mouth with clean water. Also, do not take apple cider vinegar for a long time.
It can also be used in the fight against corns. For this crust of bread soaked in vinegar and applied to the soles of the feet at night as a compress. Stronger effect in this case gives pre-infused vinegar with onions.
Apple cider vinegar is also a great cosmetic product. Wipe the face with a water solution useful for both dry and oily skin. By the way, it will help and if your skin is cracked. To do this, regular hand cream mixed (1:1) with apple cider vinegar and applied to freshly washed hands.
This magical elixir is considered an effective remedy for stretch marks and cellulite. To do this, 30 ml of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water and the resulting solution massaged the problem areas of the body. Such grinding make the skin smooth and fresh.
Homemade yeast is easy to cook and dry out, and fresh hops.
Enamel pan tightly filled with fresh hops, pour hot water and cook, covered hour.
A 2 liter of warm strained broth add a cup of sugar and two cups of wheat flour. The mass stir well, put in a warm place for two days, after which it two boiled and grated potatoes, mix again and kept the day in a warm place.
Ready yeast bottled, sealed and stored in the refrigerator.
Yeast from hops can be cooked more quickly. Pour a glass of hops with two cups of warm water and allow to infuse for about four hours. The mass was then filtered through two or three layers of cheesecloth. In the resulting broth put two tablespoons of sugar, stir and add as much flour as to obtain a mass of the consistency of thick cream.
Everything is well mixed, and to shelter the next morning kept in a warm place.
Prepare the yeast can dry out and hops. This hop cones filled with hot water (1:2) to give fire and heated until the mixture until the volume is reduced by half. The resulting mass is cooled, strained and added to a glass of broth and a tablespoon of sugar, cover with a cloth, put in a warm place for two days.
Finished yeast bottled, sealed tightly and stored in a cool place.
Enamel pan tightly filled with fresh hops, pour hot water and cook, covered hour.
A 2 liter of warm strained broth add a cup of sugar and two cups of wheat flour. The mass stir well, put in a warm place for two days, after which it two boiled and grated potatoes, mix again and kept the day in a warm place.
Ready yeast bottled, sealed and stored in the refrigerator.
Yeast from hops can be cooked more quickly. Pour a glass of hops with two cups of warm water and allow to infuse for about four hours. The mass was then filtered through two or three layers of cheesecloth. In the resulting broth put two tablespoons of sugar, stir and add as much flour as to obtain a mass of the consistency of thick cream.
Everything is well mixed, and to shelter the next morning kept in a warm place.
Prepare the yeast can dry out and hops. This hop cones filled with hot water (1:2) to give fire and heated until the mixture until the volume is reduced by half. The resulting mass is cooled, strained and added to a glass of broth and a tablespoon of sugar, cover with a cloth, put in a warm place for two days.
Finished yeast bottled, sealed tightly and stored in a cool place.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
In gastric ulcer
Stomach ulcer # 8722; one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. According to many doctors, a major role in its development plays a spiral bacterium that secretes special substances that damage the lining of the stomach. Provoke disease and stress, anxiety, depression, negative emotions, lack of rest and sleep, poor diet, alcohol abuse, smoking, uncontrolled use of certain drugs. Plays a role, and a genetic predisposition.
Proven popular treatment for ulcers is aloe. (Prior to the use of the plant is not watered two weeks.) Cut the leaves (500 g) was placed in a dark, cool, well-ventilated area, and the next day passed through a meat grinder, add 500 g of honey, stirring occasionally, to heat the water bath to 50 - 60 degrees. In the lukewarm mixture was poured 0.5 liters of natural red wine (usually Cahors) and insist in a dark cool place week, shaking the contents.
Take on such a scheme. During the first week of # 8722, a teaspoon three times a day for an hour before a meal. During the second # 8722, a tablespoon three times a day. The next seven days, take a tablespoon twice a day. This composition is not only indicated for the treatment of chronic ulcers, but also is effective as a prophylactic.
In the old days the ulcer was treated with freshly prepared juice of cabbage, who drank a glass five times a day for a month.
Effective and composition prepared from 0.5 liters of juice and 0.5 kg of Plantago honey-cooked for 20 minutes. The finished mixture is kept in a cool place and drink for two tablespoons in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and at night before going to bed.
Good heals stomach ulcers juice and sea buckthorn. Juice drink a quarter cup, and oil in a teaspoon three times a day for an hour before a meal. The course of treatment for at least three weeks.
Inhibits the secretion of digestive glands, so effective in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, fresh potato juice. Half a glass of juice, take 30-40 minutes before meals two or three times a day for three weeks.
It is important to remember that during treatment juices should be excluded from the diet of meat and fish dishes.
In gastric ulcer good result gives an infusion of well-known herbs. Mix 100 g of grass succession, celandine, St. John's wort and 200 g plantain. Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiled water, wrapped, two hours, filter. Take a tablespoon three to four times a day, one hour before or two after eating.
In that case, if the overall treatment was ineffective, surgical and # 8722, not shown, with the ulcer can be cured by alcoholic solution of propolis and propolis oil. To prepare the infusion 10 g of crushed propolis poured 100 ml of alcohol, shaken well, put in the refrigerator for two hours and then purified by passing through a filter paper.
Accept a solution within three weeks three times a day for an hour and a half before eating 15-20 drops, diluted in water, boiled milk, or 0.5 per cent novocaine. If necessary, repeat the treatment in seven to ten days.
Proven popular treatment for ulcers is aloe. (Prior to the use of the plant is not watered two weeks.) Cut the leaves (500 g) was placed in a dark, cool, well-ventilated area, and the next day passed through a meat grinder, add 500 g of honey, stirring occasionally, to heat the water bath to 50 - 60 degrees. In the lukewarm mixture was poured 0.5 liters of natural red wine (usually Cahors) and insist in a dark cool place week, shaking the contents.
Take on such a scheme. During the first week of # 8722, a teaspoon three times a day for an hour before a meal. During the second # 8722, a tablespoon three times a day. The next seven days, take a tablespoon twice a day. This composition is not only indicated for the treatment of chronic ulcers, but also is effective as a prophylactic.
In the old days the ulcer was treated with freshly prepared juice of cabbage, who drank a glass five times a day for a month.
Effective and composition prepared from 0.5 liters of juice and 0.5 kg of Plantago honey-cooked for 20 minutes. The finished mixture is kept in a cool place and drink for two tablespoons in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and at night before going to bed.
Good heals stomach ulcers juice and sea buckthorn. Juice drink a quarter cup, and oil in a teaspoon three times a day for an hour before a meal. The course of treatment for at least three weeks.
Inhibits the secretion of digestive glands, so effective in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, fresh potato juice. Half a glass of juice, take 30-40 minutes before meals two or three times a day for three weeks.
It is important to remember that during treatment juices should be excluded from the diet of meat and fish dishes.
In gastric ulcer good result gives an infusion of well-known herbs. Mix 100 g of grass succession, celandine, St. John's wort and 200 g plantain. Tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of boiled water, wrapped, two hours, filter. Take a tablespoon three to four times a day, one hour before or two after eating.
In that case, if the overall treatment was ineffective, surgical and # 8722, not shown, with the ulcer can be cured by alcoholic solution of propolis and propolis oil. To prepare the infusion 10 g of crushed propolis poured 100 ml of alcohol, shaken well, put in the refrigerator for two hours and then purified by passing through a filter paper.
Accept a solution within three weeks three times a day for an hour and a half before eating 15-20 drops, diluted in water, boiled milk, or 0.5 per cent novocaine. If necessary, repeat the treatment in seven to ten days.
If you are allergic
Conventional medicine defines an allergy as an increased sensitivity to the effects of some environmental factors, called allergens. They can be chemicals, food products, household items, medicines, household dust, pollen and many other irritants, which number in the development of civilization has been steadily increasing.
From the old home remedies for allergies can take note of the following: a 0.5 liters of milk boil for 15 minutes 100 g of coals from the fire and drink half a cup of the broth in half an hour after a meal.
Effective freshly celery juice, who take a tablespoon in 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
Try to resist allergies by infusion Calendula. 10 g of flowers should pour two cups of boiling water and leave for an hour or two in a loosely sealed container at room temperature. Take a tablespoon of tincture two to three times a day.
Effective for allergies rather weak tea in a series of. A teaspoon of herbs to brew in a glass of boiling water, but so that the color of the infusion was light yellow, not green, and very transparent, insist 20-25 minutes and drink immediately in the form of a semi-hot. Taking infusion of at least two cups a day continuously, without interruption. Brew every time should be fresh.
Helps alcohol tincture of birch buds. For this eight to ten tablespoons dry kidney to add 0.5 liters of vodka, insist month and take one teaspoon three times a day for two weeks followed by a two-week break. The infusion can be used externally, treating the composition of the skin.
To help the body to overcome drug allergy, traditional medicine offers this remedy: Mix a teaspoon of crushed Root tormentil (galangal), powder of dried laurel leaves, marigold flowers, grass succession. Boil this mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight. In the morning drain, add to the infusion of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of dark honey. Drink three times a day for half an hour before a meal. And after a meal to take a pinch of powder from the shell of a chicken egg.
From the old home remedies for allergies can take note of the following: a 0.5 liters of milk boil for 15 minutes 100 g of coals from the fire and drink half a cup of the broth in half an hour after a meal.
Effective freshly celery juice, who take a tablespoon in 30 minutes before meals three times a day.
Try to resist allergies by infusion Calendula. 10 g of flowers should pour two cups of boiling water and leave for an hour or two in a loosely sealed container at room temperature. Take a tablespoon of tincture two to three times a day.
Effective for allergies rather weak tea in a series of. A teaspoon of herbs to brew in a glass of boiling water, but so that the color of the infusion was light yellow, not green, and very transparent, insist 20-25 minutes and drink immediately in the form of a semi-hot. Taking infusion of at least two cups a day continuously, without interruption. Brew every time should be fresh.
Helps alcohol tincture of birch buds. For this eight to ten tablespoons dry kidney to add 0.5 liters of vodka, insist month and take one teaspoon three times a day for two weeks followed by a two-week break. The infusion can be used externally, treating the composition of the skin.
To help the body to overcome drug allergy, traditional medicine offers this remedy: Mix a teaspoon of crushed Root tormentil (galangal), powder of dried laurel leaves, marigold flowers, grass succession. Boil this mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave overnight. In the morning drain, add to the infusion of two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of dark honey. Drink three times a day for half an hour before a meal. And after a meal to take a pinch of powder from the shell of a chicken egg.
IF there is nowhere KEEP HORSERADISH
Horseradish can be stored in dried form, and it is their culinary properties will be no worse than fresh.
To cook with roots dug carefully wipe the ground, and then quickly, lest they were filled with moisture, rinse them under running water. After that, clean the hell, cutting out all the little damaged areas, cut into long thin strips, place them on a baking tray, lined with cloth or paper, and place in the oven.
To dry the roots need at very low temperatures, and the door is open. If there is no oven, roots can overnight in a warm oven. According to chefs, the faster the drying process will take place, the better will remain volatile horseradish.
The dried roots grind in a coffee grinder and grind to a powder and store in a glass jar with a well-stoppered.
As required portion of dry roots pour a small amount of cooled boiled acidic lemon or citric acid, water, cream or broth. The resulting mush use for sauces and condiments.
It is important to remember that dried horseradish, as well as fresh, pour boiling water is not recommended.
To cook with roots dug carefully wipe the ground, and then quickly, lest they were filled with moisture, rinse them under running water. After that, clean the hell, cutting out all the little damaged areas, cut into long thin strips, place them on a baking tray, lined with cloth or paper, and place in the oven.
To dry the roots need at very low temperatures, and the door is open. If there is no oven, roots can overnight in a warm oven. According to chefs, the faster the drying process will take place, the better will remain volatile horseradish.
The dried roots grind in a coffee grinder and grind to a powder and store in a glass jar with a well-stoppered.
As required portion of dry roots pour a small amount of cooled boiled acidic lemon or citric acid, water, cream or broth. The resulting mush use for sauces and condiments.
It is important to remember that dried horseradish, as well as fresh, pour boiling water is not recommended.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
This happens quite often when vegetable plants from hell turns into a pernicious weed, which is very difficult to uproot. And above all, because the soil is completely removed from all the roots of horseradish impossible, and after a short period of time, they give life to the plants, which appears much larger than before grubbing.
To completely get rid of the boring weed, some gardeners proceed as follows - cut off the top part of the plant will bare root and sprinkled with the usual kitchen salt. After a few days of salt and the hot summer sun completely kill the rhizome fuck over its entire length.
This, of course, way out, but not a full and proper solution to the problem, because salt itself is an alien element in the garden. Therefore, the best option, in our opinion, is to use instead of salt fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate or potassium salt.
They are used in the same way as the salt, causing the point of growth horseradish 5-10 g fertilizer. Horseradish plants die and the soil is not only not salted, but gets an extra dose of nutrients.
To completely get rid of the boring weed, some gardeners proceed as follows - cut off the top part of the plant will bare root and sprinkled with the usual kitchen salt. After a few days of salt and the hot summer sun completely kill the rhizome fuck over its entire length.
This, of course, way out, but not a full and proper solution to the problem, because salt itself is an alien element in the garden. Therefore, the best option, in our opinion, is to use instead of salt fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate or potassium salt.
They are used in the same way as the salt, causing the point of growth horseradish 5-10 g fertilizer. Horseradish plants die and the soil is not only not salted, but gets an extra dose of nutrients.
Yeast can be prepared in several ways. The most common will be the next. Half cups flour diluted in 150 ml of warm water and left at room temperature.
To this mixture daily for three days, pour a tablespoon of warm water. On the fourth day of the mass put on a small fire and boil. After it has cooled, pour a tablespoon of flour and stir well.
Over the next two days, pour another tablespoon of flour per day. The mixture was covered with a towel, and held for two days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, and then used as well as compressed yeast. The shelf life of the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than ten days.
Good yeast derived from hops. Two tablespoons of dried hop cones poured two cups of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes. The broth is filtered and again bring to a boil. In a clean bowl pour a glass and pour in the flour, stirring constantly, hot decoction of hops. Dishes with a mixture of cover with a towel and held for two days in a warm place.
When mixing the dough in a glass of yeast takes three cups of flour.
Before putting the remaining yeast in the fridge, they pour a cup of flour and leave in a warm place for about four hours. The composition is stored for two to three days.
A further use of yeast is diluted with warm water and the glass is kept in a warm place for two hours. When kneading dough proportions remain the same as when using the newly prepared.
To this mixture daily for three days, pour a tablespoon of warm water. On the fourth day of the mass put on a small fire and boil. After it has cooled, pour a tablespoon of flour and stir well.
Over the next two days, pour another tablespoon of flour per day. The mixture was covered with a towel, and held for two days at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, and then used as well as compressed yeast. The shelf life of the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than ten days.
Good yeast derived from hops. Two tablespoons of dried hop cones poured two cups of boiling water and cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes. The broth is filtered and again bring to a boil. In a clean bowl pour a glass and pour in the flour, stirring constantly, hot decoction of hops. Dishes with a mixture of cover with a towel and held for two days in a warm place.
When mixing the dough in a glass of yeast takes three cups of flour.
Before putting the remaining yeast in the fridge, they pour a cup of flour and leave in a warm place for about four hours. The composition is stored for two to three days.
A further use of yeast is diluted with warm water and the glass is kept in a warm place for two hours. When kneading dough proportions remain the same as when using the newly prepared.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Getting rid of cough folk remedies
Winter, dampness, drafts, viruses, lowered immunity ... And - hello, cough! If you let the disease take its course, lingering cough may torment for a long time, and even result in unpleasant complications. Folk remedies for the treatment of cough are often very effective, let's learn "the secrets of old wives'?
Secrets for adults
Caramel. Generation of Soviet children will remember these "ekonomkonfetki." It turns out that it is also a great way to forget about the cough. Heating the sugar in a pan until brown and stretching consistency, and to dissolve it so that it enveloped his throat. Sugar is perfectly relieves sore throat and relieves cough.
The agent for the brave. You did not try to milk with a delicate garlic flavor? Now you have the chance. Five cloves of garlic is recommended to rub, add milk and bring to a boil. Drink a warm infusion, several times a day. Of course, the taste of the milk-specific, but the cough recedes.
It is much softer on the composition of warm milk with Borjomi (In the ratio of 1/1) or honey (a teaspoon of honey in a glass of milk).
milk with figs
Milk and figs. In half a liter of milk to put a few figs (3-4) and put on a slow fire. Once the milk will become darker in color, remove from the heat and can drink small sips.
Power eucalyptus. Eucalyptus essential oil in your home aromalampe will breathe easier and cough attacks become less frequent. For internal use 20 drops of an alcohol tincture of eucalyptus dissolved in ¼ cup warm water. Take 3 times a day.
Help herbs. Excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect gives a special collection of herbs. It can be purchased over the counter ready, and you can prepare yourself. At the same proportions to mix licorice, thyme, lime, oregano, mother and stepmother, mint, pine buds, plantain, calendula and Bees. Two tablespoons of the mixture of chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and allow to stand for 1.5 hours in a warm place. After straining to drink 150 ml of half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
Honey and anise. Honey and anise broth quickly helps to cope with intrusive dry cough, as it turns into productive. 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with two tablespoons anise seeds and a pinch of salt. Fill with a mixture of 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and strain. Take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours.
Secrets for children
Adults are easier to cope with his ailment, and if the child is sick? How to ease your child well-being and at the same time to use traditional remedies with care, with an eye to allergies and specific reactions of the body?
carrot juice
Vegetable juices. With strong bronchitis and tracheitis very simple cucumber juice helps. A quarter or half a glass of freshly squeezed juice to give the child to drink two or three times a day. In the absence of allergies to honey can sweeten them a drink. Please note that during the winter in cucumbers can be a lot of unnecessary chemicals, so it means - more for autumn exacerbations. You can also receive a freshly prepared carrot juice with honey, one teaspoon 5 times a day. Expectorant action has also cabbage juice.
Diabetes onions. At first glance it is quite unpleasant means of a neutral flavor and gives a nice effect. Finely chopped onion to fill a tablespoon of sugar and pour the same amount of honey. The resulting syrup give your child a few times a day, a teaspoon. Syrup incorporates all the benefits of a bow, but it drowns out the specific taste and smell.
Citrus honey. Essential oils of lemon perfectly affect the lining of the throat. At the beginning sore throat or coughing helps simple chewing lemon peel. If this is not for your child, try the other option: 3 tablespoons of honey mixed with the juice of one lemon and give 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture to the child. The mixture should resolve that it enveloped his throat, and after taking care not to have a 1 hour.
Kalinka-Malinka. Raspberry jam or frayed with sugar Kalina dissolved in warm water or tea. These berries have an excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
Secrets for adults
Caramel. Generation of Soviet children will remember these "ekonomkonfetki." It turns out that it is also a great way to forget about the cough. Heating the sugar in a pan until brown and stretching consistency, and to dissolve it so that it enveloped his throat. Sugar is perfectly relieves sore throat and relieves cough.
The agent for the brave. You did not try to milk with a delicate garlic flavor? Now you have the chance. Five cloves of garlic is recommended to rub, add milk and bring to a boil. Drink a warm infusion, several times a day. Of course, the taste of the milk-specific, but the cough recedes.
It is much softer on the composition of warm milk with Borjomi (In the ratio of 1/1) or honey (a teaspoon of honey in a glass of milk).
milk with figs
Milk and figs. In half a liter of milk to put a few figs (3-4) and put on a slow fire. Once the milk will become darker in color, remove from the heat and can drink small sips.
Power eucalyptus. Eucalyptus essential oil in your home aromalampe will breathe easier and cough attacks become less frequent. For internal use 20 drops of an alcohol tincture of eucalyptus dissolved in ¼ cup warm water. Take 3 times a day.
Help herbs. Excellent anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect gives a special collection of herbs. It can be purchased over the counter ready, and you can prepare yourself. At the same proportions to mix licorice, thyme, lime, oregano, mother and stepmother, mint, pine buds, plantain, calendula and Bees. Two tablespoons of the mixture of chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and allow to stand for 1.5 hours in a warm place. After straining to drink 150 ml of half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.
Honey and anise. Honey and anise broth quickly helps to cope with intrusive dry cough, as it turns into productive. 1 teaspoon of honey mixed with two tablespoons anise seeds and a pinch of salt. Fill with a mixture of 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and strain. Take 2 tablespoons every 2 hours.
Secrets for children
Adults are easier to cope with his ailment, and if the child is sick? How to ease your child well-being and at the same time to use traditional remedies with care, with an eye to allergies and specific reactions of the body?
carrot juice
Vegetable juices. With strong bronchitis and tracheitis very simple cucumber juice helps. A quarter or half a glass of freshly squeezed juice to give the child to drink two or three times a day. In the absence of allergies to honey can sweeten them a drink. Please note that during the winter in cucumbers can be a lot of unnecessary chemicals, so it means - more for autumn exacerbations. You can also receive a freshly prepared carrot juice with honey, one teaspoon 5 times a day. Expectorant action has also cabbage juice.
Diabetes onions. At first glance it is quite unpleasant means of a neutral flavor and gives a nice effect. Finely chopped onion to fill a tablespoon of sugar and pour the same amount of honey. The resulting syrup give your child a few times a day, a teaspoon. Syrup incorporates all the benefits of a bow, but it drowns out the specific taste and smell.
Citrus honey. Essential oils of lemon perfectly affect the lining of the throat. At the beginning sore throat or coughing helps simple chewing lemon peel. If this is not for your child, try the other option: 3 tablespoons of honey mixed with the juice of one lemon and give 1-2 teaspoons of the mixture to the child. The mixture should resolve that it enveloped his throat, and after taking care not to have a 1 hour.
Kalinka-Malinka. Raspberry jam or frayed with sugar Kalina dissolved in warm water or tea. These berries have an excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
Approximate dates of sowing the seeds for seedlings
Planting dates are usually chosen based on the time of scheduled planter.
The optimum age in days after transplanting seedlings is: eggplant and pepper - 60-65, tall tomato - 55-60, a short - 40-50, cucumber, zucchini and squash - 20-25 days. However, we must remember that a lot of extra time required for seed germination. This is especially true of crops such as pepper and celery (two weeks), onions (12 days), eggplant and tomato (10 days). Besides, celery longer growing season. So there are lots of things that have to be kept in mind when sowing seeds.
So, if there is a desire to get an early white cabbage, it is advisable to sow the seeds for seedlings in late January - early February. The reason is that the age of the seedlings before transplanting into the ground should be 55-65 days.
During this period, it makes sense to do and celery root, but the onions, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant is better to sow in March, well after all the pumpkin in the middle of April. Then the seedlings will be ready in time.
In order to prepare for sowing the seeds of cucumbers and melons, they can be hung in a gauze bag near the furnace or heating the battery. For two to three months before planting them slowly warm up, gain the necessary energy growth.
This method is "old-world", but proved its worth.
The optimum age in days after transplanting seedlings is: eggplant and pepper - 60-65, tall tomato - 55-60, a short - 40-50, cucumber, zucchini and squash - 20-25 days. However, we must remember that a lot of extra time required for seed germination. This is especially true of crops such as pepper and celery (two weeks), onions (12 days), eggplant and tomato (10 days). Besides, celery longer growing season. So there are lots of things that have to be kept in mind when sowing seeds.
So, if there is a desire to get an early white cabbage, it is advisable to sow the seeds for seedlings in late January - early February. The reason is that the age of the seedlings before transplanting into the ground should be 55-65 days.
During this period, it makes sense to do and celery root, but the onions, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant is better to sow in March, well after all the pumpkin in the middle of April. Then the seedlings will be ready in time.
In order to prepare for sowing the seeds of cucumbers and melons, they can be hung in a gauze bag near the furnace or heating the battery. For two to three months before planting them slowly warm up, gain the necessary energy growth.
This method is "old-world", but proved its worth.
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