Tuesday, 31 December 2013

LETTUCE is grown on a windowsill

LETTUCE is grown on a windowsillRecently, gardeners, along when forcing onions and other vegetable plants began to grow in the so-called indoor garden beds and a salad. However, as evidenced by the editorial mail, it is not every work. To change the situation, try to find out the cause of the failure.

For cultivation in the room are only suitable varieties of lettuce. Of this group, the best suited grades such as Moscow greenhouse and Amanda, that already after 20-25 days after sowing, leaves can be cut for use. Other varieties of lettuce crop formation period longer than 2-5 times.

Lettuce can be grown throughout the winter season in the room, sowing it in about 15 days.

Lettuce requires a moderately warm growing conditions and good lighting. This culture can not stand the heat, prolonged illumination direct sunlight and drying of the soil. If the lettuce is growing and under such conditions, it forms a very small greens, which also becomes rough, bitter and unpalatable.

It is best to grow lettuce in a box filled with light fertile soil. Rows are placed 6-8 cm After thinning the plants leave the same distance in rows.

Seeds are sown in furrows depth of 1.5 cm after planting furrows pritrushivayut soil. Watering should fine atomization, repeating the watering after three or four days. You can not avoid waterlogged soil and getting water on the leaves, the plants do not rot. After emergence, "beds" to carry the light or provide a good supplementary lighting with fluorescent lamps.

To create conveyor salad greens can be limited razvodochnogo box seedlings grow, and then the two-leaf stage in a plant raspikirovat "beds" larger area.

The seedlings can be planted on the edges of boxes, planted with cucumber or tomato, ie to use as a salad plant compactor.

When cleaning plant pulled entirely. This is to ensure that both the other salad was able to build a solid sheet mass.


GARDEN NEEDS ATTENTIONAt first glance, it might seem that in the garden in August, very little work: Framed helpers (chataly) under the branches with the emerging crop, but wait until you can clean up. Alas, this is an unforgivable mistake. After all, how caring for the trees in August, largely depends on keeping quality of the fruits of autumn and winter varieties.

Experienced gardeners are beginning to prepare for the upcoming season fruit storage since the spring, and then in the autumn of the previous year. But we are more interested in the moment, you can do it in August to their harvest was kept almost to the new collection.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the trees get a balanced rations (fertilizers). Keep in mind that fruits are grown in conditions of excessive land application of nitrogen fertilizers only be kept very bad. With a lack of phosphorus dissolved in the flesh of apples during storage turns brown. Therefore, the trees are well prepared for the winter and did not deteriorate the quality of their fruit in August should make per square meter around-trunk range of 60-70 g nitrophosphate or 45-55 g of NPK. We must also not forget the fact that the best fruits stored under normal provision of soil calcium.

Given that, in acute shortage of calcium is necessary to spend at least two tree spraying calcium chloride (130 g per 10 liters of water) and do it for 35 and 20 days before the start of the harvest.

Trees with non-colored fruits can be treated and calcium nitrate (calcium nitrate - 100 g per 10 liters of water). This treatment is carried out in the morning or in the evening, consuming 6.5 liters of solution that the adult fruit-bearing tree.

Some gardeners spend vlagozaryadnye or simple glaze on the eve of the harvest, naively believing that they increase the juiciness, and that means - and keeping quality of the fruit. Everything is just the opposite.

Therefore vlagozaryadnye watering is carried out only after the harvest, and to support irrigation, unless, of course, this is not absolutely necessary, it should be on the eve of the harvest still abstain.

On the shelf life of fruits affected by the timing of their collection: it decreases as the case of premature collection, and when I'll be late with this case. The fruits are considered suitable for the collection, if they have acquired a characteristic color and the seeds are browned. Plucked the fruit should not be kept outdoors, they must be immediately cooled in the cellar or basement.

And one more thing - apples autumn varieties should be stored separately from the winter, because of the proximity of the winter varieties ripen quickly, and all your hard work on their cultivation will be reduced to almost zero.

About the benefits of pine needles

About the benefits of pine needlesNot rotted pine needles are often used as mulch covering the soil around the stems, stalks of fruit and vegetable crops.

Indeed, such a mulching not only retains moisture, protects the soil from erosion, helps to preserve and improve the soil structure, but also reduces the number of weeds.

In addition, thanks to her summer heats up less land, and the wet and cool conditions roots are more favorable for plant growth. Besides, under the mulch soil remains loose, and greatly facilitates access of air to the roots.

In winter, the mulched needles land retains heat better, decreasing its freezing.

The only addition to this - the application of nitrogen fertilizers. After all, in a layer of pine needles will be held degradation processes that require nitrogen. If fertilization does not make, nitrogen is absorbed from the soil, which in turn will adversely affect the growth and development of plants that will suffer from the lack of this element.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Autumn planting

Autumn plantingAnd in the autumn, and spring planting has its pluses and minuses. So in the fall - the soil around the plant has time to settle, it itself - to get stronger, well-rooted in the spring and early start growth and development.

Autumn planting hardy shrubs and those that bloom in early spring. Conduct fall planting can be from August to October. Coniferous trees are planted around the end of August to mid-September to the root system has had time to settle down. At the end of August - beginning of September, it is desirable to plant lilacs.

Prepare the planting hole two to three weeks, so that the soil has had time to settle. Typically, tree seedlings are placed in the hole with a diameter of 1.5-2 m and a depth of 0.8 m in diameter shrubs enough deepening of 0.6-0.8 m and a depth of 0.6 m

For the removal of groundwater and rainwater in the bottom of the pit lay drainage. As it fits broken brick, small stones, coarse sand. In the bottom of the pit is desirable to drill a deep hole and fill it with a mixture of drainage. Well, if this channel will reach the water table, which further completely eliminate stagnant water.

Soil mix for most trees and shrubs should be taken on the part of the fertile soil and river sand, and two parts of compost. It is also desirable to add 20-40 g of double superphosphate and a handful of wood ashes.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation for planting seedlings. To do this, cut the broken branches and damaged roots. Cut site obscure garden pitch, and on the roots rubbed charcoal or treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. A good result gives preliminary soaking the root system of plants in a solution of a growth stimulant.


PREPARING FOR WINTER GARDENAfter the end of the harvest in the garden is still quite a lot of work and all of it is subject to the preparation for the coming winter. First of all, we need to remove trees from the backwaters and disinfect them with a solution of copper sulphate or nitrafena (50 g per 10 liters of water), to examine and heal the wounds of the branches and the bole that may have formed during the season.

All plant residues (shredded twigs, weed weeds, fallen leaves) to shovel and put in a compost pile, sprinkling them with peat and flavoring chemical fertilizers. Rubbish left in the winter garden is impossible, as it serves as a breeding ground of many pests and diseases.

Around the middle of October, the second wave of growth of active roots of fruit trees. It is therefore highly desirable to fertilize the soil by digging with the turnover of the formation. Digging depth should be about 12-20 cm, and closer to the bole - 6-10 cm

Good results are obtained by fertilizing the wells or wells to a depth of 4-50 cm Do them on the periphery of the crown, one per square meter. In subsequent years, new wells are placed in the gaps between the excavated earlier. Approximate fertilizer application rates for fruiting garden will be as follows: 4-8 kg of organic matter (compost, humus), 50-60 g of simple superphosphate (20-30 or double) and 10-40 g of potassium salt per 1 sq. m. m

Friday, 27 December 2013


WHEN WINTER TREES freezeThe extent and nature of damage to trees by low temperatures are associated with the biological characteristics of species and varieties, rootstocks, the age and condition of plants, garden location, as well as the terms of his care. Prosperous wintering garden depends on preparing for it, the weather conditions of the previous season, the moisture from the provision of plant and harvest their overload. The prolonged vegetation also affects the hardiness of trees.

One of the signs of readiness for the winter garden - the timely completion of the autumn leaf fall. It shows a sufficient accumulation of carbohydrates and aging tissues. The incompleteness of this process - the main cause of reduced resistance to winter desiccation and frost.

The resistance of trees to low temperatures are also reduced when applying a large number of major injuries after cutting in the first half of the winter. Therefore, even in the south in the winter pruning begin with the most winter-hardy varieties - summer and autumn.

Particularly affected by frost in the forks of the young branches with sharp angles of divergence. It is these forks and should be avoided during the formation of the crown. The angles of divergence of 50-60 degrees increase frost and leafy - even fouling branches in length. More vulnerable open branches bare spots.

It should be borne in mind that in the period of forced rest heartwood least resistant to freezing, the most stable - the cambium (Cloth in the stems and roots of providing their growth in thickness), bark and wood occupy an intermediate position. If you hit the cambium - the tree dies; preserved - under favorable conditions the plant may recover.

Therefore do not rush to remove branches and trees: after heavy frost is difficult to determine the state of the cambium, this takes time. However, we must remember that in the growing cambium not tolerate cold temperatures. The consequences of freezing of the spring and fall - the most severe.

The ability to recover podmerzshie trees, especially after the harsh winters with little snow, and is directly related to the state of the root system. When soil freezing to minus eight degrees can damage the roots of vegetative rootstocks of apple, pear, cherry. If you have suffered thin fibrous roots and remained intact conduction system and the cambium, the trees are restored.

The extent and nature of damage to fruit trees determined in several stages: 10-12 days after the critical frost after bud break and early summer, when the crown overgrown foliage.

Externally freezing of much to change the color of the bark, and wood core. It becomes more expressive after thawing. So, the color of apple wood and bark can be of vitreous light green (with an initial extent of damage) to brown, brown, dark brown (with a strong frost build-up). In pears, peaches and other stone fruit darkening can be even more intense - to black.

By darkening fabrics in cross sections on trunks from different angles, in the forks of branches and branches along the border and identify pockets of damage bark and cambium wood.

With significant damage there is a smell of alcoholic fermentation, the bark is peeled longitudinal stripes. However, even a sharp change in color of fabric is not always a sign of death.

Yet the most common damage to trees is the partial or total loss of generative buds.

To establish the state of the kidneys to the method of germination branches. On a typical trees of different varieties of stone taken away from the kidneys to one hundred, with apple and pear - at thirty. In cross sections show a darkening of the kidney tissue. Take into account the number of dead and surviving buds and flowers of pome melkokostochkovyh rocks. Do peach and apricot buds counted the dead (they have one at the rudiment of a flower in the kidney). We melkokostochkovyh species (cherries, sweet cherries) podmerzshie kidneys sometimes do not fall, the trees are blooming, but do not form fruit: at the flowers are damaged pistils.

The dead flower buds of peach, apricot and plum trees turn brown and not revealing, crumble in the early growing season. In seed species rarely kidney frosted over, their freezing after discovering other organs.

It is worth noting that the generative buds are damaged more in the lower part of the crown at the top, they are saved.


APPLES IN THE SNOW.  DO ALL FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE POSSIBLE IN WINTERMiddle of winter, and in a lot of stores of fresh vegetables and fruits, home inventory - a lot of pickles and preserves. But are all the gifts of nature are now useful?

Because of our harsh climate in the nation has developed two myths. The first was born in the era of the Soviet deficit: Fresh fruits and vegetables can be eaten only in the season, and at other times of the year - better than homemade stocks - pickles, jams, compotes. The second myth sounds more scientific: if our ancestors ate only what was mined in their native lands, the person's metabolism is closely associated with the area of residence. Since the winter of fresh gifts of nature did not exist (and the more tropical), then they are harmful to us.

Taters - not our

- If you think so, first of all, we must not give up on bananas and citrus, and the main national product - potatoes - explains Victor Konishev, an expert on nutrition, MD. - It started to plant, as well as coffee, just under Peter I, for a total of 300 years ago. From the point of view of the evolution is the infinitesimal interval of time during which no metabolic adaptations to the product can not occur.

On the other hand, even if you eat only what bring your 6 acres, then this power will not be perfect. Why?

- Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended for the prevention of diseases every day not less than 400 g of vegetables, fruits and berries - explains Victor Konishev. - Each fruit is endowed with peculiar only to him nutrients, so it is best to combine different gifts of nature. Cranberries, for example, the content of vitamin C gives black currants, sea buckthorn and kiwi. But there is a lot of resveratrol (which protects against atherosclerosis). Seabuckthorn and avocado, unlike other fruits contain a lot of useful unsaturated fatty acids. It is often assumed, though fruit - the source of all the vitamins. But it is not. In general, they contain only vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene (Vitamin formed from it A). The need for other vitamins to make up for the expense of animal foods and cereals. For example, in the winter we are especially important vitamin D - for its production in the body is not enough sun. In the fruits of this vitamin is not, fill a need for it will help the eggs, butter, cod liver oil, eggs.

On the recommendation of the WHO, many countries have conducted information campaigns to promote vegetables and fruits. If Russia had heard this call, the slogan we would read as follows: "5 times a day". This means that everyone needs to eat in a day at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, each serving - 80-100 grams. However, in some countries, the recommended dose increased up to 6-12 times a day. In addition, people were taught to eat the fruit of different colors. "The Game" in color has a serious scientific basis - the color of fruits and vegetables give useful substances with potent antioxidant properties. They protect us from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, even many cancers.

Live without pineapple?

What to look for when visiting a store?

# 10004; carrots, beets, cabbage, turnips, radishes and onions - the only Russian vegetables, continuing through the winter without conservation. But they are not enough. Need more tomatoes, colored peppers, zucchini, eggplant, lettuce and tomatoes, etc. can be replaced with tomato juice.

# 10004; domestic fruits do not survive the winter. So do not shrink from gifts from warm. Of course, without the pineapple and mango can do. But the usual oranges and tangerines body needs.

# 10004; pickles, jams and compotes - is no longer useful gifts of nature, and ... to put it mildly, their imitation. But there is one exception - the sauerkraut. However, it is not correct to refer to the salt, and to products like yogurt and fermented wine. After fermentation, the nutrients from it digest better. When cabbage they are partially destroyed.

# 10004; Summer berries, fruits and vegetables freeze in the freezer. Thus, in contrast to the jams and pickles, preserved nutrients. It is not necessary to consider the strawberries and cherries seasonal delights - they are useful all year round. But pickles, on the contrary, to the rank of special goodies - it's really yummy, but it is better than less often.

# 10004; dry, add a pinch of herbs in different dishes. According useful properties, it is not inferior to fresh.

# 10004; Potatoes - almost the only plant product that is not considered useful. Vitamins, antioxidants, and other relevant materials in it, "a cat laugh," and a lot of starch. Replace it with vegetable side dishes.

# 10004, can not say about greenhouse vegetables and herbs grown by hydroponics - in pots or artificially simulated soil. Of course, the ground is better. But these will fit.
Avocado, like gloves?

In fact, the bad fruits and vegetables does not happen - there are only individual contraindications to them.

- For example, an allergy to citrus. It often happens in early childhood, so breastfeeding mothers should avoid these fruits, - continues the story Konishev. - Many people like to reduce chokeberry blood pressure. But because of the high content of vitamin K, these berries improve blood clotting, which is undesirable for the elderly, and in fact they often suffer from hypertension. Such a feature is important to consider chokeberry and those who take medications that lower blood clotting (warfarin and other vitamin K antagonists), their usual dose may be ineffective. In many diseases of digestive system not suitable acidic fruits. People with allergies to latex glove material due to the similarity of latex protein with a protein of some fruits often found the same reaction to avocados, pineapples, bananas, melons, figs, kiwi, papaya, peaches, tomatoes and chestnuts.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

What vitamins you need?

What vitamins you need?It is fashionable to talk about the lack of vitamins. Hardly that run to the drugstore and buy doroguschie banks, cover with their entire shelf in the cabinet and be complacent. Now the body is all that is necessary for normal operation. But what they really want? To understand this, you can walk to the doctors, posdavat analyzes. Lovers spend so time enough. Our article is not for them. And for people who are interested in his body, the processes taking place in it, and how to help yourself by yourself.

It is known that lack of vitamin each entail a violation of the work of individual agencies. How it manifests itself externally, we shall tell you. And tell you what products can help you in every case.

If you are experiencing chronic fatigue, it is quite possible that the body lacks carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, or vitamin D.

Fill up this deficiency is very simple. The ration enter more fresh fruits and vegetables - a source of vitamins C and A. plenty of B vitamins found in whole grains and bran - cook porridge made from buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. Storehouse of nutrients is the sunflower and pumpkin seeds and nuts. In order to provide the body with vitamin D ultraviolet take a bath.

If you have by the end of the day is deteriorating vision, the eyes get tired and sore, then maybe it's a lack of carotene and vitamin B2. to enrich the diet with these vitamins eat carrots, spinach, lettuce, fish, liver, cheese, and eggs.

Did you know that if you have a tendency to digestive disorders and diarrhea, then perhaps it's just a lack of vitamin K or B2. Eat more soy products, liver, fish, lean meat, especially chicken or turkey bacon, nuts, eggs and cheese. These reasons may also cause constipation. Therefore, your diet on balance the vitamin B2, and it can help.

Another issue - the increased amount of cholesterol in the blood. It turns out that it can be caused by a lack of B vitamins in the diet Try brewer's yeast, and legumes.

Sometimes it happens that even a slight shock can cause bruising of the skin. This is a definite lack of ascorbic acid. A lot of vitamin C in the black currant, wild rose, sauerkraut, citrus.

It so happens that people like and washed regularly and uses a variety of perfumes and skin it still emits an odor. Perhaps the man in the diet is not enough foods containing vitamin B12, this brewer's yeast, red meat, organ meats, and eggs.

If you suffer from edema, and get up in the morning with bags under his eyes, but the kidneys are healthy, you may lack vitamin B6. Eat beans, lentils, whole grains, pork and fish. And about the yeast - everything is clear - it is a storehouse of vitamins of group B.

In osteoporosis and fragility of teeth is often not so much a lack of calcium, vitamin D as vitamin calcium without it just is not absorbed by the body. Therefore, in the case of problems with the bones and teeth, try a little more to happen on the street or take the irradiation with ultraviolet light.

Pay attention to how you cook the food. Indeed, in some ways making the products do not have almost anything useful.

Do not keep the fruits and vegetables in water for a long time. They lose vitamins, giving them water.

When cooking, place them in boiling water. Do not overcook vegetables. A better bake or cook for a couple - so the whole value remains inside.

Try to eat porridge made from whole-grain cereals. They contain more nutrients. And in polished rice is almost all there is nothing useful.

Do not thaw frozen fruits and vegetables before cooking.

Use containers made of stainless steel, ceramic, glass. Carefully check enamel bowl - if the enamel is cracked - dishes not suitable for prigotovleniyapischi. Contact with iron destroys many vitamins.

Natural vitamins from fruit and vegetables

Natural vitamins from fruit and vegetablesNobody once again not to be convinced that the fruits and vegetables full of natural vitamins. But traditional ideas about vitamins in the gifts of nature are often limited to "large doses of vitamin C in the lemon."

But vegetables, fruits and berries - an indispensable source of quite unique vitamins, which are found in any other product is no longer obtain. In addition to ascorbic acid - vitamin C - there is a rare and very important vitamin K and bioflavonoids, united by a common name "vitamin P".

Moreover, in order to obtain a sufficient number of "herbal" vitamins, it is not necessary to lean on exotic fruits and vegetables. Director of the Clinic of Nutrition Victor Tutelian believes that quite regularly eat carrots, cabbage, apples, pears, and other common foods - all the things that we have grown.

By the way, the proverbial water-soluble vitamin C, which the body needs about a day 100 mg, in sufficient quantity of citrus difficult to obtain. In order to gain this dose would have to eat about half a kilo of oranges or grapefruit a day - without peel, seeds and partitions.

And if we remember that the content askorbinki reduced in products during long distance transport and storage, the problem becomes altogether impossible.

But citrus, oddly enough, not even in the top ten richest in vitamin C products. Much more of it in the usual sweet red peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes, and even - parsley and potatoes.

However, these vegetables, except potatoes, better to eat raw or, in extreme cases, cook for a couple in the microwave - 60-90 percent of the vitamin C is destroyed by heat treatment.

It should be noted that smokers to make up for a deficiency of vitamin C will have to make a truly Herculean effort - while smoking a cigarette body loses up to 25 mg of ascorbic acid. So one day the body can lose a few daily doses of the vitamin - and this is another reason to quit smoking.

Vitamin for blood and bone

For the synthesis of proteins that regulate blood clotting required soluble vitamin K. In addition, it helps the interaction of vitamin D and calcium and regulates the metabolism of bone and connective tissue.

In order to receive it in sufficient quantities, is to love leafy green vegetables: spinach, and different kinds of salads. Those who are "grass" does not respect the will suit broccoli, tomatoes and peas. Just not the same, then the bank, and its bright green fellow straight out of the pod or quick-frozen - only with this technique of freezing saved enough vitamins.

Vitamin paint

What color is a sheet, a fruit or flower, define natural dyes - pigments. Among the most striking vegetable colors - yellow - there are strong antioxidants. This bioflavonoids, the most famous of which Kahetino, rutin, quercetin and hesperidin.

Bioflavonoids are involved in strengthening capillary walls, prevents bleeding and reduce blood pressure, protect against hypertension. In addition, they help the body to combat allergies and neoplastic processes.

In the body, these nutrients can not be synthesized, and can only get them from foods of plant origin.

But not necessarily in search of exotic fruit bioflavonoids. Very rich in their ordinary apples of all colors and seasonal berries such as blackberry, blueberry or grape. For example, only a small handful of unfairly be overlooked gourmet Aronia contains 4000 mg of bioflavonoids - daily intake for an average person.

Trees tulips and other

Trees tulips and otherSpatodeyaThere just is not the trees on earth! In Uganda, for example, grows tall and slender (10-15 m), African tulip tree (tree-fountain). Leaves his sophisticated dark green, up to 50 cm in length. A red-orange with yellow trim or bright yellow with golden-yellow edge flowers in racemes, reminiscent of a tulip.

Calyx height of 10-12 cm They rise above the foliage and are always looking up. After the rain water remains in these "glasses". Over time, in place of flowers formed pods with many winged seeds from which new trees and grow.

This plant is called bell-spatodeey. Spatodeya growing from seed (they are sown in the spring) is very fast, but the blooms only when the reach impressive sizes.

In our area spatodeyu grown in containers. In summer, they are placed in the warm and sunny place, abundantly watered and fed. High instances of tie to the supports, not to break the wind. In winter, the plant will wear in a well illuminated room where the temperature does not drop below 12 degrees.

In Azerbaijan and Iran is growing Temir-agach - ironwood. He has a very heavy wood, which is rapidly sinking in the water. Another interesting feature: the bark ironwood is very thin and easily broken, and the branches of nearby trees, touching each other, coalesce, forming impenetrable thickets. The plant is more than reliable as a hedge.

In Brazil, too, has a gimmick - cotton tree. It seems like a huge tub (up to 20m). During flowering branches that extend from the upper neck of an "tubs", covered with a variety of flowers. Soon after their formation location seeds. Each seed is provided "parashyutikom" of their fiber and fabric manufacture.

Milk Wood (galaktodendron) grows in Central and South America. It is low, with a shiny and thick leaves and inedible fruits. But the juice of this plant natives drink the milk. If this is the "milk" boil, then formed on the surface wax which makes candles and chewing gum.

"Tree of travelers" or "tree-well" grows in Madagascar. His real name Raven Madagascar.

In appearance it resembles a banana - only the leaves do not grow from the ground and from the top of the barrel. They disagree, like spokes of a wheel, and rolled tube. In the middle of the tube - clean, cool water that the plant receives from the soil.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


PREPARE FOR WINTER GARDENOne of the biggest dangers faced by trees during the winter, are sunburns in February and March. Therefore, it is in the autumn of lime trunks and boughs. To do this, prepare a solution which would not have been able to wash away the autumn rains and winter precipitation during the thaw. Here is his recipe.

7-8 liters of water take 2-3 kg svezhegashenoy lime, 300-500 g of casein glue or 100 g cooked or heated on the eve of wood glue, 100 g of flour paste, or 2 liters of skimmed milk.

If you have to cook the old trees, the white washed before they are treated with this solution for the disinfection of iron sulphate (300-500 g per 10 liters of water).

From damage by mice and rabbits trunks and bases of skeletal branches of young fruit trees (12-15 years old) tied with cut stems of raspberry, sunflower stems, thick white paper or protect metal and other nets. You can use spruce branches of spruce and pine, but it is necessary to tie it down with needles. Bottom of the tree to a height of 15-20 spud see

When the temperature in the root zone of the soil tree trunks insulated manure, peat, sawdust, leaves or is frozen ice on tree trunks. If enough snow in the winter, it is necessary to try to prevent the soil under the canopy of each tree was covered with them.

Dig around TREES

Dig around TREESOne of the major works in the garden in autumn is digging the soil, at the same time which, under the trees and making fertilizer - most of the rules, relying on the year. Do it in that order. Initially, on tree trunks laid compost, then scatter around the perimeter of mineral fertilizers, and then dug up the earth with them.

Digging up the soil in a circle on a bayonet spade, and closer to the trunk - only 10-12 cm shovel when digging should be placed along the roots, and not across to less damage them.

Some gardeners admit a serious mistake, leaving a large tree just dug a small island of the soil (up to a meter away from the trunk). Fertilizers applied in this circle, for a tree is practically useless. After all, most work sucking the plant roots are located much further, or to be precise, on the border of the crown projection.

Given this, it is necessary to make tree trunks wider. So, three-four-apples that the diameter is about 2.5 m, five-six years - 3 m, and 12-year-olds - up to 5 meters.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Grub up the stumps

Grub up the stumpsBefore embarking on a stump grubbing, think, maybe it is better to keep and use as a table or a bench. If you have decided that it is not useful to you, will have to uproot.

Uprooted stumps can be as the most time-consuming way - hands, and with the help of the tractor, excavator, winches. To apply the technique is more convenient for large amounts of tree stumps and in large areas.

Some experienced gardeners are advised to settle the stumps mushrooms (mushrooms, oyster mushrooms) that after five or six years, it will turn into dust.

You can eliminate the stump and over the year. To do this, make a hole in it and lay one or two handfuls of crushed sodium nitrate. Then, on top of the stump tied film to nitrate is not washed out by rain. After some time, the stump will not.

If there is no time to wait, have uprooted by hand. It is best to deal with this matter in the spring, when the connection to the ground most of the roots are weakened. Tech grubbing extremely simple. Stump dig round on all sides, hem and sawed the roots, and then twist the lever or pull it by hooking the winch.

Uprooted stumps dried. They can be to cut firewood to use for decorative crafts or burn.

ACTINIDIA - decorative and utility of

ACTINIDIA - decorative and utility ofIn nature, there are about 36 species of Actinidia, among which most often occurs in our gardens and kolomikta Actinidia Argut or sharp-toothed.

These decorative vines in winter attracts the eye bizarre intertwining branches in the spring - bright green young leaves and flowering period delicate aroma of flowers.

Plants are usually planted on the west side of the house or other buildings as to create a slight shading. In vivo Actinidia uses trees and shrubs as a support. Therefore, when grown in the garden is a climbing plant needs a strong support, because without it, and in the light slows. Vine trellis can be placed on the perimeter of the garden. It is also suitable for creating gazebos, hedges.

Actinidia - nettle culture, so the garden is better to have two female and one male plant. Thus it is necessary to take into account that pollination actinidia kolomikta and Argut occurs only plant of its kind.

In the first two years after planting the vine needs weeding. But because the root system of Actinidia surface, the loosening of the soil under the plants should be carried out very carefully and deeply, 5-7 cm

In times of drought or lack of water to water the plants is desirable. It is also useful in the spring, it is best just after the snow melts, the soil around the actinidia cover humus, compost, peat, straw or sawdust, to lie down in the open at least a year.

The first two or three years of Actinidia not fed. Then every spring to make 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of double superphosphate and potassium salt per square meter. Some gardeners advise in the first half of the summer once or twice to feed the plant infusion of mullein (1:10) or green manure (weeds, fermented in a barrel of water).

Every two years digging in the autumn on each plant in addition to making compost at 40-60 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salt.

Important term cropping Actinidia. Thus, during this procedure, early spring climber just ends cell sap, resulting often weakens and dies. It is best to carry out this work in the autumn after leaf fall, and only three years after planting.

Actinidia grown as a bush or on a trellis. With fan-like formation is usually in the first year on the plant leaves only two shoots, which are tied up to a trellis and sent in different directions. Then by cutting the fan reach. In the future, pruning and thinning reduced to remove dead branches. It is necessary to take into account the specific peculiarities actinides. In kolomikta fruiting bud laid next season as shortened, and the long shoots, while Actinidia arguta - mostly in truncated.

Renewal pruning done in 7 to 10 years of age, cutting plant on the stump length of 30-40 cm

The first two or three years after planting before the onset of frost is removed from the vine trellises, laid on the ground and shelter peat, dry leaves and spruce branches. Mature plants overwinter without shelter. But for better overwintering autumn tree trunks wrap the peat humus or leaf layer 10 cm

Actinidia anciently used in folk medicine for stimulation of cardiac activity, as a general tonic, as well as for colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough. In diseases of the teeth, stomatitis, gingivitis recommend rinsing your mouth berry juice. In addition, from the fruit of Actinidia can cook delicious and healthy jams and compotes.


HOW TO AVOID THE ATTACK DOGSeeing the way the dog must remain calm and slowly back away. If you run - the dog will understand that you are scared and starts to attack.

She still catch you and knock down as many dogs can weigh up to fifty pounds. It is better if you take what - any stick and expose it as a defensive shield between you and the dog. Then slowly start to fall back, not taking his eyes off the dog. Need as much as possible to increase the distance between you and the dog. Being in such a situation it is important to outsmart the dog, getting to a place where she does not get to you. This may be a hill, where it can not get a car or door in any building.

Take any action to delay the pursuit. When you manage to get to a safe place temporarily, look - whether on her collar? If there is a collar - it means it is home to, so loudly shout the command "Stand", "Down", "Back". This can help, though, and the chances are slim. Even if the collar is not - it is still worth a try. The main thing is that the team has sounded confident and loud.

If you find yourself in a trap - try to distract the dog. Fits any thing with your scent. Throw it as far away from yourself. If this works, you have a little time to change his place on the safer.

Use any barriers between you and the dog (cars, bushes, fences). Remember! The dog quickly you - and in open areas still catch you and knock down.

If you realize that the battle is inevitable - you need to quickly prepare for it. Wrap the hands of a jacket or sweater and set it in front of him. The dog grabs his hand and sweater save from 42 bite of the teeth (of which 6 - inch-long fangs). As long as you hold each other's hand and a dog, you have a chance to survive. Retreat to any door of a building or car. When you go into a building or vehicle, no need to pull his hand to his or beat the dog door - is even more embitter the dog and she'll try to squeeze in behind you. It is better to try than to hit her - either on the face or if the car has a bottle of water - drench it. You need to make the dog for a moment, stepped back, letting go of your hand, so you have time to close the door.

Remember! Dog leash is much more aggressive than individually.

Monday, 23 December 2013

AMERICANS TO patented the Flying Saucers

AMERICANS TO patented the Flying SaucersThe specialists of the University of Florida have created a semblance of a flying saucer - wingless electromagnetic aircraft that are going to patent.

A flying saucer is based on the principles of magneto-hydrodynamics, which studies the motion of conducting fluids and ionized gases in the presence of a magnetic field. According to the developers, the surface is covered with a plate electrodes, due to which ionize the surrounding air, turning it into a plasma. It is this effect allows the plate to take off vertically, move and hover in the air.

The prototype has a dish is not very large in size - its diameter is less than 15 cm device is capable of carrying only a very tiny device, but, according to scientists, can be made in much larger flying machine.

But good design is not yet a reality - the only problem is that in the world there are no sufficient battery power.


COOKING FROM THE PUMPKINCooks in the pumpkin souls are not prepared! That just does not prepare the pumpkin! Soups, cereals, beef, salads, cakes, jelly, juice ... Can not fish or cut bait, and we cook something of a pumpkin right now.

Milk pumpkin soup

You will need: 1 liter of milk, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, 250 g pumpkin, salt, sugar, butter to taste.

Of milk and semolina porridge boil, boil for 10 minutes. Grate the pumpkin and add to the porridge, stir, add salt, sugar, oil. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Serve hot and can be chilled.

Porridge with pumpkin

You will need: 400 g pumpkin, 0.5 cups of rice, 0.5 cups of millet, 2 cups milk, sugar and salt to taste.

Pumpkin peel, cut into small pieces, put in a pan, add a little water, simmer until soft, add sugar, salt, washed rice and millet, add milk and cook until tender. Then put in a heated oven and then powered-off.


You will need: 250 g pumpkin, 4 potatoes, 2 white biscuit, 1 liter of milk, salt, sugar and butter to taste.

Pumpkin and middle-sized potatoes cut into pieces, add a little water and cook until almost cooked. Add the broken biscuits, salt, sugar, boil, and then wipe the whole lot through a sieve, add the butter and milk and cook until tender.

Roasted pumpkin

You will need: 500 g pumpkin, 2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs, sunflower oil for frying, salt to taste.

Pumpkin peel, salt, roll in bread crumbs and fry in sunflower oil on both sides until golden brown. Serve immediately with sour cream.

Pumpkin salad

You will need: 150 g pumpkin, 4-6 apples, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1-2 teaspoons of honey, lemon peel, quarter cup of chopped walnuts, a bag of coconut.

Pumpkin and apples cored grate, mix. Add lemon juice, lemon zest, honey, mix well again and sprinkle with walnuts and coconut.

Stuffed Pumpkin

You will need: 1 small pumpkin, 2/3 cup rice, 1 onion onion, 2 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 5 g dill, 1 cup each broth, 20 g butter, 20 g cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

Wash and soak the rice. Finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Cut the pumpkin in half, peel and seeds. Remove the pulp (not completely) and crushed. Finely chop the tomatoes, dill and garlic. Mix them with rice and pumpkin pulp, salt and pepper and stuff the pumpkin halves with this mixture, pour them into the broth. Bake in the oven on high heat. For 5 minutes until it is ready to put on top of each half of the butter and sprinkle the grated cheese.

Pumpkin with potatoes

You will need: 400 g pumpkin, 6-8 young potatoes, a little flour, 10 g dill, salt and pepper to taste.

Pumpkin peeled, cut into slices, roll in flour and fry in oil until golden brown. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, salt and pepper and bake in the oven to put together the pumpkin. The finished dish sprinkle with dill. Serve with butter.

Pumpkin Fritters

You will need: 500 g pumpkin, 2 cups milk, 1 egg, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, flour on the eyes, salt to taste.

Pumpkin peel, grate, pour the hot milk and cook over medium heat until soft. Remove from heat, cool. Beat the egg with the sugar and add the pumpkin, salt and, stirring occasionally, a thin stream to fill up the flour until the dough does not acquire the consistency of sour cream. Beat it in a mixer. Fry the pancakes as usual, on the hot oil. Serve with milk, sour cream and jam.

Pickled Pumpkin

You will need to 1 half-liter jar: 340-350 g pumpkin, 1 tbsp. Spoon 9% vinegar, 4 cloves, 2 peas in black, 2 peas allspice, 1 bay leaf, a little cinnamon.
For the brine: 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Take the pumpkin well received his sight, with golden-orange flesh, cleaned and cut into cubes no thicker than 1 cm, blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, dipped in cold water, then in a colander to drain the water. Shift the pumpkin in a jar, add all the spices, pour hot marinade and poorly sterilized half-liter cans of boiling water for 5-7 minutes, liter - 10-12 minutes, rolled and cooled.

Sunday, 22 December 2013


THERE IS SO SCARY AFTER SIX?We all have heard that there is strictly forbidden after six in the evening, so we suffer when we want something to eat after the forbidden period, and then, if sinned, we suffer pangs of conscience. However, there is so critical is the role of mealtime?

Time for a meal is not critical and generally does not matter, because it all depends on the amount of calories in most foods, so says an American expert in the field of nutrition, Professor Ashima Kant. This conclusion is based on the professor did a survey and a half thousand men and women aged 18 to 50 years. 41% of those who took part in the study regularly eat in the evenings, but they weigh no more than those which are old-old after six hours in the mouth does not take a crumb. You have a very reasonable question arises: why? Simple and they both consume the same amount of calories during the day, so the meal does not play a fateful role - all the fault of calories.

It turns out that the owl is not thicker due to a late meal, but because their way of life is a more hearty dinner and fat than larks. With your figure nothing will happen if you eat fruit or vegetables in the evening, or late night snack will be your only meal of the day. So if after six hours of very much like to get something to eat, then you can reasonably afford the pleasure.

Friday, 20 December 2013

During the meal, DO NOT DRINK

During the meal, DO NOT DRINKThis is a very important rule, and must be strictly adhered to. It refers to both the water and the tea, coffee and other beverages (by the way, the milk - is food, not a drink, but too drunk separately). Animals, for example, do not drink with meals, and that instinct is a good rule.

Water leaves the stomach within 10 minutes after ingestion, taking with them a diluted, and as a result, impaired gastric juice. This seriously hampers digestion.

Water during meal leads to poor chewing food. Instead of well-chewed and moistened with saliva food, drink a person learns to swallow her hydrated and poluprozhevannoy. This habit should be eliminated. On the need to chew food and speak Pythagoras Hufeland, Kant, and Fletcher, Shelton and Ozawa.

The latter, for example, recommended that healthy people chew your food 50 times, the patient - 100 times cultivator - 150 times. But again, do not count the number of "chewy", and you will gradually begin to resemble the mentally retarded. But this does not change the rules: chew for a long time and thoroughly. The most important thing is not the process and the result. Chew, except as the food does not turn into a liquid homogeneous mass.

Processing in the starch and sugar is terminated, mostly in the oral cavity. This reduces the load on other parts of the digestive tract. Savor, enjoy the food, chew small portions and do not wash down. This will provide her the best treatment.

Drinking water is best for 10-15 minutes before meals or at 30 minutes after receiving the fruit, two hours after meals and starch at 4 hours after the protein.

Cold drinks, drinks with a meal break in the action of enzymes that have to wait until the temperature of the stomach does not rise to normal before you start to apply. Cold drinks, getting into the stomach, it hurt. There is a great thirst.

As for hot drinks. They weaken and deprive them of energy stomach. Disrupted tissue tone of the stomach, weakens the ability of mechanical impact on the food.

And the high and low temperature prevents the secretion of digestive juices. Optimum temperature beverages must meet the normal body temperature or at least not greater than 40 degrees.

Thursday, 19 December 2013


7 REASONS FOR THE BENEFIT OF TEAA cup of hot tea on a cold day - what we need. But tea is not only warms and helps with colds. He has many other useful features. How useful this fragrant drink, when and how to drink it, and who better to refrain from drinking tea.

1. Tea protects against diseases

Tea, as already mentioned, not only helps with colds. This drink is rich in antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals in the body. Thus, antioxidants prevent aging of the body, help to cope with infectious diseases, and prevent cancer.

Antioxidants are found in all kinds of tea, whether black, green, white, red, etc. But keep in mind: if you add lemon tea, the drink loses its antioxidant properties. On the other hand gets an extra dose of vitamin C (the vitamin is not only in lemon, but also in tea). Thanks to this drink boosts immunity and protects us from viruses and bacteria.

2. Tea invigorates and tones

The caffeine in tea, good tones and invigorates. By the way, any tea - whether it's black, green, red, white, etc. - Contains the same amount of caffeine. Therefore, to "come to life" will not only black tea (as we used to think).

However, if you are severely overworked and your state is already close to the disease, the tea will not help: can the paradoxical reaction vessels - they do not constrict and dilate, and instead, to cheer up, you will fall asleep.

Does not help people with tea and pressurized - in this case a drink cause headache.

3. Tea normalizes blood pressure

Tea, like coffee increases blood pressure. This is facilitated by the caffeine in tea. Therefore, people with low blood pressure normalizes drink it. Conversely, people with high blood pressure tea should be used with caution. A better and exclude from the diet.

Instead, it is better to drink mate tea and rooibos. In these drinks no caffeine, but at the same time they are also good tone the blood vessels of the brain. Also in the material and antioxidants Rooibos more than other kinds of tea.

4. Tea strengthens blood vessels

Due to the content of vitamin P tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them flexible.

Furthermore, vitamin E increases the effect of vitamin C (which also contained in tea) and helps the absorption of the vitamin.

5. Tea relieves headaches and relieves stress

Tea is due to the content of caffeine helps quench headache and relieve stress. But only if you drink it in the morning. 13.00 After drinking tea is not recommended - again because of the caffeine, which can have a negative impact on sleep mode and cause insomnia.

Five o'clock tea at the British - the custom of drinking tea at five in the evening - because people are drinking Albion slabozavarenny tea, which, in addition, highly diluted milk. More precisely, does not drink tea with milk, and milk with tea.

Milk irritable action reduces tea reduces tannins and protects the gastric mucosa.

6. Tea drinking light trains

During the tea party (unless, of course, it's not tea, drunk in the morning in a hurry on the threshold of the house) we relax and begin to breathe deeply and exhale. Thus train our lungs. Also in this case the brain more oxygen and improving blood circulation, writes gloss.

Incidentally, hot milk or herbal tea will have the same effect.

7. Tea helps to get rid of extra pounds

Green tea and pu-erh tea help to lose weight. Green tea is rich in catechins, which contribute to the breakdown of fat. Therefore, wishing to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, if there are no contraindications to the use of tea, you can try a tea diet.

Puer tea - strong tonic tea, which speeds up the metabolism. Weight will be reduced correspondingly.


GRAIN STORAGE: BASIC RULES AND STABILITYEach cereal has a shelf life - how to store grains at home?


More than 1.5 years is not worth it. Well, considering the fact that it is stored in warehouses and stores, this period is even less. Rice can be stored in tightly closed containers or special bags in a cool dry place. To avoid bugs bred, put in it a few metal caps from bottles or garlic.


To cook a delicious millet porridge, you need only fresh grits. Without losing its taste properties of millet is stored only 4 months. If your rump more than 4 months, fill it with boiling water and baking soda (per liter of water 1 teaspoon), rinse and pat dry.


Should not be stored for longer than 20 months. If it has been more than six months before cooking porridge, fry it in a pan.


Shelf life of semolina - 14 months. To improve its palatability, semolina, as well as buckwheat can be fried in a frying pan.

Oatmeal "Hercules"

Flakes quickly disappear. Optimal battery life - 4-5 months. This is especially true of cereal with different additives.

These and all other cereals can be stored on the balcony, in cabinets or shelves, but always in a closed container. Otherwise, in the rump zavedutsya unexpected guests - bugs and worms.

"SMART BRA" itself can cause fast

"SMART BRA" itself can cause fastA group of American engineers from the University of Arkansas has created a "smart bra" that can help doctors monitor the patient anywhere in the world and if necessary, send an ambulance to the right place. The invention combines the nanotekstil and technology of smartphones, has built-in sensors that measure health status and send information over a wireless network such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

"Our e-bra enables continuous, real-time tracking of the patient in order to identify any pathophysiological changes," - says the scientist Vijay Varadhan. According to him, it is a platform on which various sensors to monitor heart health are integrated into the fabric. Thus, clothes collects and transmits readings anywhere in the world.

He also noted that the system controls blood pressure, body temperature, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption and some neural activity. He also takes readings as conventional electrocardiograph (ECG), and therefore can not even tell whether a patient has a heart attack. The system does not require any accessories for measuring blood pressure and may therefore replace the conventional tomography.

Sensors the size of a small coin in diameter, made of solid gold nano-electrodes fabricated on a flexible basis and sewn into the material of the bra. They "communicate" with the system software via the wireless module, located on the bra. Module collects and sends information on the network to which the physician can gain access.

The development team says that such "smart bra" can also be used by athletes to monitor their own vital organs during training via their mobile phones.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


BRA.  MYTHS AND REALITIESDid you know that the American arms industry in 1917 on the savings from the metal parts of corsets was able to build two warships? It is from this period no alternative long history corset ended and began the modern history of the bra.

Today you can buy a bra of any color and style, but European women with this subject toilets became acquainted only at the end of the nineteenth century.

Ancient civilizations (Greece and Rome) were familiar with the "grudederzhatelyami", and for their names, there were various terms, one of which was strophium. Example of this is the image on a Greek amphora (middle of V century BC), the stage dressing of Aphrodite, where the goddess of winged creatures to help tighten the back covered with patterns, strafion.

Ancient Roman women under the coat, and tunics worn leather belts - stanza - a prototype of a bra that emphasizes the chest and waist. And even then Roman women classified the subject toilets, and instead present size (S, M, L, etc.) for different forms of breast had various names. «Fascia» restrain the growth of the bust of young girls, «mamillare» pulls together a large breasts mature women, as mentioned above bandage «strophium» only supports the breast from below. There were also the size «capitium» and «toenia».

On the medieval period in the history of the bra should also be mentioned, because in those days was considered a woman's breasts a priori "scaffolding of lust." Therefore, on the chest of the younger girls (to slow its growth) consolidate the lead plates.

But with the advent of the French king Charles VII of the female breast has been rehabilitated and from decollete could not resist even the nuns.
And when, in the early nineteenth century society ladies addicted antiquity, talking about the problems of the corset. It was during this period corset recognized not only detrimental to health, but also the subject of oppression of women. However, it did not last for long time - over thirty years, the ladies are back to the corset. Only towards the end of the century bra recognized, but then it was still part of the corset.

BRA.  MYTHS AND REALITIESAlthough there is evidence on patents for invention of the modern bra (France in 1889, Germany in 1891 and 1895, GG, USA 1914, etc.), yet there is accurate information that in 1899 the Dresden seamstress Christina Hardt presented the expert committee of the local Chamber of Crafts "feminine sweater with straps with reinforced cups for the breasts." The letter accompanying Ms. Hardt wrote: "This product supports a ladies' breasts, does not constraining its natural form." From this moment begins the historic German-French struggle for priority in the invention bra.

In 1913, the American Mary Phelps Jacob, acquiring evening gown fabric, said that the details of the corset stick out of the neck and well discern through the thin fabric. And at this point, "inspiration" Mary has become the salvation for the beautiful half of humanity: the lady of the two silk handkerchiefs and ribbon segments came up prototype of the modern bra. Being a true American, she realized that this can make good money, and November 3, 1914, Mary Phelps Jacob was granted a patent by Caresse Crosby (besspinny bra).

BRA.  MYTHS AND REALITIESIn 1922, an immigrant from Russia Ida Rosenthal founded with her husband company Maidenform, where he first began to make bras with cups of different sizes with elastic straps. This company has come up bras for nursing mothers, and by the time (in 1935), and bras with special tabs for giving additional breast volume (push-up). In 1942 he was awarded a patent on the bra clasp, adjustable in length.

BRA.  MYTHS AND REALITIESToday, thanks to modern technology, there were models of bras with a corrective effect. Industry is already moving in the direction of "smart" - the speaker's underwear (have samples). There is already a bra that changes color at the time of ovulation. Superobemny invented a bra that can be inflated with a special button. There is a "medical" bra with a microchip that measures heart rate and blood pressure. Bra with the radio warning of the attack, bra, equipped with alarm button in case of danger emanating from heaven bra made of titanium, memory foam chest on the ground equipped; bra that makes unbearable smell of cigarettes. There is even a bra made out of eco-fur, a helium-filled: it is placed for a few seconds in the microwave, so you can not be afraid of the cold.

On the 200th anniversary of Mozart's music company Triumph has released a bra, performing one of the tunes of the composer. And in the early 90's was made bra weighing 24 carats, consisting entirely of gold.

Well, let's wait for the new notions of a strong half of mankind. And for his beautiful half as long as the main criteria for a good bra is comfort, and of course, beauty.

Breast augmentation without OPERATIONS

Breast augmentation without OPERATIONSAs you know, the vast majority of women are not happy with their breasts. Some people do not like the size, shape someone, and someone thinks it is not enough elastic. It just so happened that men are attracted to busty beauties. And women with a small bust size, can only envy and complexes.

But progress does not stand still, and the researchers have developed several techniques for breast augmentation. We are not going to talk about plastic surgery. About her and so much has been said already. Let's try to answer the question: Is it possible to increase breast size without surgery?

Creams and pills:

Today there are a huge number of various creams, pills, capsules, which are advertising promises, will give a stunning effect with no harm to health. Question arises: what is it, truth or another advertising gimmick? In fact, the majority of these drugs effect really is, but still, it's quite different from the promises infomercial. The fact is that the result will hold up as long as you are taking the drug, but the result is worth the rate, as the breast again reduced to the size of your present, a certain nature. Similarly, work and cream for strengthening the pectoral muscles. Needless to say, that before using these tools, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to avoid adverse symptoms.

Traditional medicine:

Believe it or not, but our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, too, would like to have a beautiful and large breasts. Clear confirmation of a well-known myth of the cabbage. Although why the myth? Scientists have actually proved that cabbage stimulates the mammary glands, but only during the period of puberty. Adult, formed a woman eating cabbage is unlikely to give any result.

Another way to not obscure, the imposition of mustard plasters or iodine mesh. The effect due to the fact that iodine and mustard increase blood flow, and this may increase the breast. But such experiments, excessive use of the same iodine, are fraught with skin burns.

Breast enlargement traditional medicine as well advises using hop cones. Prepare infusion: one tablespoon of hops per cup of boiling water. Let sit for 7-8 hours. Drink this mixture should be before eating three times a day. This way you will come across quite diverse responses. Most likely this is due to the fact that the body is different for everyone and the result, as a consequence, too. But it's worth noting that this hop is often used in tablets for breast enhancement.


For a long time, a special set of exercises for beautiful breasts. But do not go to the gym with the hope to increase the size of 2 or even 3. Such results you still do not get anywhere. What I can to help such activity, you might ask. The answer is simple exercises will help to lift your breasts, improve the shape. And this is also a good result! In addition, the sport is always useful.

And then what happens? The only way to get hold of magnificent forms - is to go under the surgeon's knife? Unfortunately, this is true. Experts say: to increase breast without surgical intervention is not possible. Is it worth the beauty of these victims, it's up to you.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The tea selection depends on the nature

The tea selection depends on the naturePsychologists define a person's character by the form of tea, which he usually prefers.

Green tea

Most likely, you are well-balanced person. You rarely occur strong emotional outbursts. As a trusted and loyal friend you want to see many more. You do not care of what to drink tea - a cup of Chipped or not the picture on a mug for you play a decisive role in the choice of dishes. Psychologists recommend to take life a little easier, a little brighter, pozadornee.

With Jasmine

Discipline - it's all yours. You are unlikely to make up your mind you violate generally accepted rule without a good reason. And for you, the same should be kept squeaky clean body and soul. Colleagues and friends think you're unapproachable. Use a break for tea, as an opportunity to establish good relations with people who are close to you. Friendship is important, too, as well as spiritual purity.

Ice tea

You - the very dignity, improved model of restraint and self-control. Among the hustle and bustle you are able to maintain an unshakable poise and absolute calm. How long will be able to keep this mask seething inner passions that you're so afraid let out?

Black, strong, with sugar

You lay on the important tasks, missions that others clearly can not afford. And all because you are able to persuade and a convincing expect from others. Some think you are too overbearing and arrogant.

Black, strong, without sugar

You see those little details that surround and did not notice. You know those details that others do not guess. But very often you feel that you swim against the current. Well, there's nothing you can do about it, you're such a way ... Someone thinks you're too picky.

Black with milk

Sometimes you take things too easy. Sometimes in important issues, pull the rubber and react to what is happening only when a problem reaches the boiling point. You say yes too often, though could sometimes simply remain silent. Perhaps unconditionally agree is only if you want to treat the new delicious tea. The novelty of the views and feelings you just can not hurt.

Fruit Tea

Why is everything so difficult? You would have more fun, frivolity, and then all the work, business ... Admit that sometimes you need a respite from the bustle of everyday life. Dwell too often on a long smoke break is not necessary, and you quite a few good minutes of relaxation.

Earl Grey

You're just as sensitive person like flavor Earl Grey. Your ego is very vulnerable and emotional state is on the rise, then decline. Longer believe in yourself, you are much stronger and more active than you think. You are so rarely take breaks for tea, try to carve out for them a little more time. BREAK perceive these as a small reward for the effort to change yourself for the better


SOFT TOYS - FAVORITE little animals.  HOW TO CARE FOR THEM?The very first and favorite toy travel with us through all the years of the life of children from birth to old age sometimes even years.

During this time, she manages to endure all the hardships of life: spilled jam or ice cream, the nearest puddle, pulling the dusty streets and dirty floors, moving in all apartments and travel - agree, it does not make her more beautiful and safer for the baby. She will not be able to decorate the room with his presence, or to continue to accompany on walks. But this is always possible to manage, and even with a few options:

1. Vacuum toy cleaner or a conventional vacuum cleaner through a variety of baits. First, gather the hair, and then - dust, animal dander better clean up a special roller. When the toy is especially beloved, do it as often as possible, 1-2 times a week to prevent dust had time to settle and the dust mites spawn numerous offspring.

2. Wash by hand. In a basin or bath to beat the scum of the children's soap, shampoo, dishwashing detergent, and then wipe with a sponge brush or wool toys. Rinse the sponge or brush to as often as possible so as not to smudge and wash off the dirt. Dry the toy on the battery, and then gently comb the hair. But you have to be careful because some animals may wool matted or tangled.

3. Dry-cleaning. The toy should be folded in a plastic bag (big toy - a garbage bag). Fall asleep in the same package a couple of spoonfuls of soda or starch. And a good shake, pozhmakat and rubbed toy in the package. After that, get and brushed or vacuumed from the remaining particles of detergent.

4. Laundry in the washing machine. This is convenient because it can be washed several small toys. It is better to start the delicates cycle with an extra rinse, but no spin, and take advantage of children's powder. The temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, and the time for 30-40 minutes. That toys do not get crushed, it is better to put them in a cloth bag (like pillowcases), and after washing, do not wring, and hang the ears or tails. Wait until all the water has drained, and then sent to the battery. Unfortunately, this is not an option for parking toys.

5. Chemical cleaning. Are two types of cleaning: dry and wet. If you have a growing baby, it is best to use a wet (or, as it is called aqua-cleaning). Because when dry cleaned using special tools, a couple who remain in the game and stand for a further 3 months. In wet cleaning dirt removed using a solvent-free, and then thoroughly rinsed toys. Aqua-cleaning is the most environmentally friendly and can harm children's health.

6. Cold. If the toy is not cleaned for a long time, lying in a closet or on a shelf with a 100% probability it can be argued that it is mikropylevye mites. But they can be overcome. Fold the toy in the bag and place in the freezer or on the balcony when severe frosts. At temperatures below 15C mites will die within 2-3 hours, but items not lose its shape. However, this cleaning does not help fight spots.

When choosing a cleaning is necessary to pay attention to the size and fabric toys, but in any case, after such a bath of the day it will again become a soft, clean, will get its normal color, and most importantly get rid of dust mites. And will continue to continue to decorate a room or traveling with the child, without harming his health.

And so I had to resort to cleaning as little as possible, you should still be able to properly store soft toys. Now for children's rooms invented a variety of boxes, nets, bags and more roomy fit a variety of materials: fabric, wood, plastic, rubber, etc. Prices are also impress with their spread from a few tens of rubles and up to several thousand. But it is possible to show imagination and use bins, boxes and bags for clothes, crates of household furniture (converted into a castle or a cave), and even an inflatable children's pool. The main thing to remember is that the capacity of the toy should be larger than the horizontal than vertical, and the baby will be the most convenient to get out of there toys, and do not lower the weight of the upper pomnutsya.

Well, if the golden age of toys is long gone, and they only just remind him or decorate a room, it is best to remove the main part of the "dust collectors", leaving only the most loved and beautiful. The rest is better to send in plastic bags on the balcony or in the garage, the main thing - the place is dry. Of course, pre-toys should be cleaned by any of the methods offered.

However, if you want to share children's joy and not to engage in hoarding, there is always a children's home with a small budget. Its tenants happily take your gift. Believe me, for the sake of a child's smile is worth making.

WHAT CAN BE flu complications?

WHAT CAN BE flu complications?Colds and flu can be at any time of the year, but they occur most frequently in the winter, as the human immune system is weakened the most in the winter. Many people think that the flu - is a harmless disease that almost everyone gets sick. In fact, the flu is very dangerous and can lead to serious complications of the whole organism.

Complications can be dangerous to human life.

1. After the flu can begin complications that affect the central nervous system. They can appear in the form of diseases such as polyneuritis, lumbago, neuralgia. But the most common disorder resulting from damage to the central nervous system, is arachnoiditis. This disease can develop already at day 7 of influenza. By the time a person begins to feel the improvement, it seems that the flu recedes, and actually begins to develop other disease that is much more serious than the flu.

Arachnoiditis symptoms: headache, flickering "flies" before the eyes, pain in the forehead and nose, nausea, and dizziness. This disease is especially dangerous because when development is disturbed circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, as a result, begins arachnoidite.

2. In addition, complications may occur in the form of Guillain-Barre syndrome. This disease may be a consequence of not only the flu, but also other respiratory illnesses. Guillain-Barre syndrome most often affects children.

Guillain-Barre syndrome symptoms: muscle pain, which may occur within a few days. Besides, there is an increase level of myoglobin in urine, and this may affect kidney function. Feeling pain in the muscles, you must immediately contact your doctor, as this disease can develop peripheral paralysis of the limbs. And this is very serious.

3. In addition to Guillain-Barre syndrome may occur as a complication of Reye's syndrome, which occurs most often in children. In particular, the disease can develop in those children who were treated during the flu aspirin.

Symptoms of Reye's syndrome: vomiting, which in the future may lead to swelling of the brain, and even coma.

4. Complications may begin in the respiratory tract. For example, the influenza ciliated epithelium failure occurs which clears the airway. As a result of violations of its functions are changes that allow a variety of infections and viruses enter the lungs. Thus, developing diseases such as pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, rhinitis.

5. Older people may experience complications of the cardiovascular system, e.g., pericarditis and myocarditis.

6. Further it is necessary to mention that during the flu or after recovery, do not just run into the street, to work, to the store. The fact is that the protective reaction of the body after suffering illness weakened. Therefore, at this time, when the body is not yet fully grown, you can also pick up a bacterial infection that weaken your body even more. And you do not want?

7. By the way, if you have a low temperature, do not try to reduce it. It is believed that excessive use of fever-reducing pills can cause symptoms such as intoxication or inflammation of the airways. Let the organism to cope with the temperature.

In order to avoid all these complications, try to carry out prevention of influenza. And if you still get sick, it is recommended bed rest, good food, drink more fluids, aired. Do not forget about the medications that must be prescribed by a doctor. In no case do not self! Influenza is treacherous.

Monday, 16 December 2013


TREAT PATIENTS INTERNETInternet has replaced the modern people not only television, newspapers, friends and travel, but also doctors!

More than 60% of Americans are looking for information about their own health on the internet, before you decide to go to the reception. Moreover, the doctors are increasingly "Google" symptoms of disease to diagnose and treat the patient.

Why the Internet is so popular among patients and doctors? His main qualities - it's accessibility and usability. Patients experiencing about their health, and the doctors are trying to save time and as quickly as possible to advise the patient.

The study showed scientists from the University of Arizona, people often believe that they have certain symptoms are present, if the web-site of the symptoms presented in sequential order, and very often self-diagnosis is incorrect. "We all want to have more information to make decisions, but patients have to apply for such assistance, and for the diagnosis of the doctor, and not to the Internet", - stressed the researchers.

For medical professionals, they should seek the help of sources such as medical journals, conferences and consultations with colleagues, and not to the internet sources, which can be both highly reliable and highly inaccurate.

Cottagers DISEASE: HOW TO KEEP YOURSELF FROM shot in the back?

Cottagers DISEASE: HOW TO KEEP YOURSELF FROM shot in the back?Awkwardly turned or made a sudden movement - and the waist like a piercing arrow. In people, it is called a cross in medicine - lumbago.

"The Shot" in the back

Doctors say: about 80% of people at least once experienced the painful shock, similar to the "shot" in the back. Most often occurs in lumbago gardeners. Prolonged stay in one position, weight lifting, sharp slopes - all of these factors provoke the attack.

Backache is always accompanied by burning or pain in the lower back holding apart, which may give the chest, abdomen and buttocks, and especially enhanced when sneezing and coughing.

Usually within half an hour it calms down and becomes bearable, and gradually passes stiffness. By the end of the third day of lumbago are only sad memories. In rare cases, pain delayed by 5-8 days. If, however, dismiss the first episode and did not take action, the second and third will not keep you waiting.

Complete rest

For a long time it was thought that the instigators of the disease - toxins, viruses and infections that cause muscle inflammation. Currently, doctors are sure that the cause of lumbago - a particular disease of the spine, usually the lumbar osteochondrosis. Because of his spinal discs deform and can be displaced. If this happens, there is the same "cross" - muscle spasm, blocking the movement of the injured area to prevent further damage. We perceive this as an attack of pain - but in fact the body itself has a "first aid".

At this point, complete rest is important. As soon as the pain subsides a bit and you'll be able to move, lie on your back on a firm surface, place the roller under your knees. It is useful to use a needle applicator, it increases blood circulation in the muscles of the back and quickly relieves pain.

And after the attack took place, do not delay consultation with a physician or neurologist vertebrologa! It will help eliminate the inflammatory process or the development of spinal tumors. The complex includes a total diagnostic blood test for the detection of inflammation and X-rays, allowing to assess the condition of the spine, in extreme cases, require magnetic resonance imaging.

Without pain

For the treatment of lumbago used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments and injections. They reduce pain, reduce inflammation and muscle spasm. After attack by the scheme within a few days taking vitamins to accelerate the regeneration of injured nerve fibers. With strong, long passing pains conduct "blockade" on the spine, and to enhance the effect of corticosteroid hormones added.

Good anesthetic effect is girudoterapiya - leech therapy. After the first treatment improves blood flow to the area of inflammation delivered oxygen and nutrients. Effectively relieve lumbago reflexology and acupuncture.

The next step in the treatment of lumbago - replacement therapy aimed at improving the spine. During this period, particularly effective physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Be in the form of

To protect yourself from lumbago, it is important to keep the spine in good shape. In many ways, it depends on our lifestyle and nutrition. It is important to watch your weight and comfortable to wear, the exact size shoes.

Most of the time we spend sitting down. Make sure that your back is not been stressed. TV best viewed in reclining position by placing a pillow under your back. If you will travel by car, do not forget every hour, and preferably within forty-five minutes to do a stop. Take a stroll along the roadside, do some simple exercises for the back and legs to restore blood flow.

EIGHT SIGNALS compromised heart

EIGHT SIGNALS compromised heartHeart attack is the most obvious and often overdue signal that your heart is not right. There are other signals, but we do not always understand what they mean.

Tooth pain when walking. The classic symptom of angina is chest pain caused by narrowed arteries that restrict blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Angina pain can manifest itself in other parts of the body, neck, jaw, arms, the area between the shoulders or even teeth. If your teeth start to hurt during any activity, such as walking or weight exercises, walk, visit a cardiologist.

Migraine. Women, at least once a month experiencing migraine with visual stimuli, such as zigzags before the eyes, twice as likely to become victims of heart disease. This is caused by problems with blood circulation, causing severe headaches and contributing to heart problems.

The prolonged "flu." If after five or six days 'flu' disease does not think to retreat, it could be a symptom of serious problems with the heart, which can not as before effectively pump blood. Sometimes it is blamed on the flu, because the problem is accompanied by fatigue and difficulty with breathing. But typical of influenza joint pain is not.

Attention problems. Because of arrhythmia, when the heart is beating too fast or too slow, people often experience severe distraction and difficulty concentrating. Pressure drops, the brain does not get enough blood, there is some confusion.

Baldness. Hair loss in men, which began with the neck area may be a sign of heart disease. Scientists from Harvard University found that such men is 36% more at risk to please to cardiologists.

Impotence. Erectile dysfunction - one of the early symptoms of vascular diseases. They can not be ignored.

Pain in the legs. Need to worry not only about the arteries in the heart. Cramps and pain in the calves when walking may be a sign of peripheral vascular disease leg arteries. And if there are problems with blood vessels feet should be checked and heart.

Snoring. Common symptom of sleep apnea, a breathing disorder in which the brain does not send the right signals to the body that it needs to breathe during sleep. This may be a sign of serious heart problems.

Friday, 13 December 2013


WINE DRESS FROM AUSTRALIABeautiful girl in a beautiful dress - a nice picture, is not it? Especially if the dress is - sweet, intoxicating shade of a young wine. Stirs the imagination and appetite better than fine aperitif. But the clothes shade of wine - it's yesterday. After all, today designers offer us dresses entirely made of this noble drink.

Australian scientists Donna Franklin (Donna Franklin) and Gary Cass (Gary Cass) are engaged in a truly intoxicating project. The site bioalloy.org they urge visitors to "submit clothing that is growing and developing ... outfits created without a seam."

A unique wine dress from Australia grown in the laboratory. And to create it does not require a needle and thread. Perform all the work culture of Acetobacter. "Smart" bacteria (by the way, thanks to these little wine is oxidized to red wine vinegar) weaves a unique biopolotno, just give them time. From a man need only cut out it, giving the desired shape, "dovyraschivat" and try on. Well, sell, of course.

WINE DRESS FROM AUSTRALIADress does not look too appetizing, but it smells like an expensive bottle of merlot. The creators claim that the touch outfit like cotton canvas. And it can be safely wet, without fear of being exposed.

It is doubtful that in the near future we will see bioodezhdu on the catwalks of the world. But as an alternative (most importantly, the future) process for the production of textiles - and why not?


KHARLAMOV And Asmus: WE ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE!Actress Kristina Asmus ceased to conceal their "interesting" position. On the last day of the festival concert on the Decade show Comedy Club, the actress has appeared in a skin-tight red dress, emphasizing her stomach.

The fact that the star of the series "Interns" Christine Asmus is expecting a child, it was revealed last week. As already mentioned Dni.Ru, the actress is in the fourth month of pregnancy. The sensational news appeared on Comedy Club Festival in Jurmala. However, in order to conceal the pregnancy from the general public, Asmus and her lover, showman Garik Kharlamov, trying not to appear in public.

Recall that at the opening of the festival komediyschikov on the Baltic coast, Christina appeared in a tight black dress. Going through the VIP-entrance, Christina went around the red carpet, not to meet face to face with numerous photographers. The hall Christina gladly accepted congratulations from friends and colleagues Garik without taking your hands with a rounded belly. After the concert, she left the auditorium as a VIP-out, accompanied by Kharlamov.

Throughout the five-day festival Comedy Club Asmus and Kharlamov constantly moved away from issues related to the future wedding and did not comment on "interesting" position Christine. And while the actress strongly disavowed questions about her pregnancy, she dresses that emphasize strongly rounded belly, everything was clear and without words.

At first, she appeared in front of photographers in a long airy dress, revealing noticeably rounded tummy. Outfit was particularly attractive because, thanks to the deep neckline emphasized breasts actress.

But the most impressive was the appearance of Christina at the last concert day when guests were asked to dress in red things. Asmus appeared on the show in a red skin-tight dress Herve Leger, "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Short-bandage dress, which was strapless, looked great on the slender actress and more others accentuated her pregnancy. By the way, in this day lovers finally appeared in front of reporters and even had time to tell you something about their relationship. In response to issues of common concern, "When's the wedding?" Kharlamov said: "We are already married", and Asmus, showing a wedding ring on her finger, she added: "We are husband and wife!" After that, a couple, thanking everyone for their congratulations, quickly withdrew.

Thursday, 12 December 2013


MUSIC TO HELP WITH HYPERTENSIONPeople suffering from high blood pressure, can significantly alleviate their condition, if they listen to music for half an hour a day. This is stated in the study, the results of which were presented at a scientific conference in New Orleans.

Scientists have found that this method of relieving the symptoms of the disease can in some cases replace people with moderate hypertension pharmacy drugs.

In the experiment, 48 participants aged 45 to 70 years, who had previously taken medication for hypertension. 28 of them for a month listening to classical, traditional Indian and Celtic music for 30 minutes a day, and doing special exercises for breath control. The remaining 20 study participants, who formed the so-called control group did not change their traditional way of life.

The indicators taken at the end of the first and fourth weeks of the experiment showed that the systolic pressure (blood pressure when the pulse wave maximum lift after systole of the left ventricle) in the music group decreased significantly. In the control group, such a dramatic drop was observed.

According to Pietro A. Modesty of the University of Florence, science, and before it was known that music can help relieve pain and pressure reduction. However, he noted, this is the first study that clearly illustrates the impact of daily listening to music on the performance ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. This method of pressure control assumes its regular measurement during the day.

We are encouraged by the results, talking about the benefits for both patients and medical practitioners, who can now confidently use music as a safe, effective, non-pharmacological treatment or as an adjunct to therapy - said Modesty.

Nice to know that there is now an easy and affordable method that can help people to reduce the pressure, without the help of drugs, - he added.